I Loved You (Pt. 2)

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Finn ran his hands through his hair. He fucked up. He really really fucked up. It didn't help that Millie was complaining to him about Noah.

He didn't know why he did it. He he kissed her. It felt so wrong. He also doesn't know why he said all that stuff to him. No one can ever compare to Noah. He was perfect. In every way.

"Shut up!" Finn screamed at Millie. Millie was taken back at the sudden outburst. "What?" She asked. "This was a mistake Millie." Finn said getting up. "What? What do you mean this was a mistake. You didn't say that when you had your tongue down my throat." Millie said.

Finn sighed. "I love Noah. More than anything. I didn't mean at all what I said to him. He is the love of my life." Finn said angrily stepping closer to her. She scoffed. "And I'm going to get him back." Finn said.

Finn turned around and walked out the door. He had no actual plan. He needs it to be good. Needs him to believe it.

A few days later Noah heard some knocking at his window. Well his old window. He's staying at his moms house after what happened with Finn.

Noah ignored it the first time. Then however his heard it a second time. Much louder.

Noah sighed and got up. Someone was throwing rocks at his window. He was ok the second level.

Noah opened the window and saw Finn. He was holding a sign. Take me back? There were candles all around him. And their favorite song was playing. Then Finn started singing it. He loved listening to Finn voice. Finn then stopped. He was waiting for Noah to say something.

Noah closed the window. Finn looked down and sighed. He was about to start crying when he heard some leaves crunch.

He looked up and saw Noah slowly approaching him. Finns face lit up.

Noah stopped two feet away from Finn. Noah let out a sigh. "Why should I take you back?" Noah asked. "Because I bought you your favorite flowers?" Finn joked.

Finn sighed. "Noah. I'm so so so so so very very sorry! And I know that's not good enough after what I did. I'm an asshole. A huge asshole. I know. I don't know why I did it. I don't love her. I never did. I guess my parents really got in my head. Please Noah. I love you so so much. I can't lose you. You mean the world to me." Finn said now sobbing.

Noah looked down. He went over to Finn and kissed his cheek. "One more chance. That's it." Noah said sternly. Finn nodded quickly.

Noah was about to head back in when Finn yelled something. "Tomorrow. Movies? I'll pick you up. Please." Finn asked. Noah turned around and nodded.

Noah slightly smiled as he went back in. Finn never made a mistake like that again. They are happily married now. With two beautiful children.


This was horrible bad cringy I know! Sorry. I tried! Someone asked for this. Hoped it met your expectations!

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 530

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