Your So Cute!

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Noah couldn't find anything to wear. Finn was out with some friends and Noah wanted to stay home and get comfortable. Noah was looking for a hoodie when he saw Finns. He would mind right? Noah asked himself.

Noah took it off the hanger and slipped it on. Noah flopped onto bed and closed his eyes.

Noah woke up when he heard the door slam. That was Finn. Noah sat up and rubbed his eyes. Finn walked in. "I'm sorry. Did I wake you. Sorry." Finn apologized. "It's fine." Noah laughed. Finn smiled and laid down next to him.

That was when he noticed the hoodie. "Is that mine?" Finn asked acting like he didn't know that answer. "I didn't think you would mind. Do you want me too take it off?" Noah asked not wanting to.

Finn took Noah in his arms and kissed his head. "Nope! Your so cute!" Finn said. Noah laughed and blushed.

Finn continued to kiss him while Noah was laughing.


Another chapter!

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 176

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