I'm Sorry Noah

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Finn ran home. He couldn't do this anymore. He couldn't live. He just wants to end it all. So he is. He will.

It's not like he doesn't love some people in his life. He does. He loves his boyfriend, Noah, the most. Noah almost made it hard not to do this.

The last person Finn talked to was Millie. He wrote a note to Noah. If he finds him he wants Noah do read it.

Now it's time.

Millie: Hey Noah!

Noah: Hey Mills!

Millie: Can you check on Finn. Last time I talked to him he was being a bit strange.

Noah: Is he okay?

Millie: I don't know.

Noah: I'll check on him.

Noah drove to Finn house. He had an extra to key to his house just in case something happens.

Noah entered Finns room and his jaw dropped. "Finn!" He yelled keeling to Finn. "Finn! Wake up!" He yelled.

He started to sob. He saw a note.

Dear Noah,

I wanted you to know that this isn't your fault. I also wanted you to know how much I love. I love you so so much. I'm sorry Noah. Hopefully you can find someone better. I was a shitty boyfriend. I would ignore you, yell at you, get mad over the stupidest things. So I hope you find someone better. I love you.

Love, Finn.


Words: 231

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