Pillow Fight

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Finn cuddled closer into Noah's chest. Finn lightly kissed his neck. "I'm bored." Noah said. Finn hummed in response. "Can you get me something to eat?" Noah asked.

Finn groaned. Noah gave him puppy dog eyes. Finn rolled his eyes and kissed the top of his nose. Finn walked out of the room to get Noah a bag of chips.

"Thank you." Noah said. "Yea yea." Finn said laying back down.

Noah chuckled as he threw a pillow hitting Finns face. Finn got up.

"Hey!" He said throwing the pillow back at him. They kept throwing the pillows back and forth.

Finn eventually got on top of Noah. They were out of breath and tired. Finn leaned down and kissed Noah lightly.

Finn laid down beside him and Noah cuddled into his chest. Finn was playing with Noah's hair. Noah mumbled something.

"What?" Finn asked. "I'm still hungry." Noah said. Finn groaned which caused Noah to laugh.


Just a cute little chapter!

How was your day today? Mine was boring. I'm so hungry. But I never eat breakfast or eat the school lunch. Yay.

Words: 186

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