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Finn and Noah were having a sleepover. Noah was setting out his sleeping bag. "You sure that you don't want my bed? I'll take the floor." Finn said. "I'm sure." Noah said. Finn nodded and climbed up into his bed.

During the night Noah kept curling up into a ball. He couldn't sleep. He was extremely cold.

Finn heard rustling from beside him. He looked down and saw Noah. "Hey Noah?" Finn asked. Noah looked up. "Hey." Noah said. "Hey don't you come up here?" Finn suggested.

Noah was hesitant. "Come on Noah." Finn said. Noah climbed up to Finns bed. Finn smiled at Finn. Finn then took off his hoodie and handed it to Noah. "Won't you be cold?" Noah asked. "I'll be fine. Your more important." Finn said. Noah blushed lightly.

He slipped the hoodie on. "You look cute." Finn said. Noah blushed. "W-Whatever." Noah stuttered.

Noah laid down. Finn copied his actions. Finn then wrapped his arms around Noah pulling his closer to him. Noah rested his head in Finns chest. "Warm." Noah muttered. Finn blushed and kissed the top of his head. Then they both fell asleep peacefully in each others arms.


I'm so sorry that these chapters have been so short! Anyways have a wonderful day or night.

Words: 216

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