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Finn and Noah were driving to school. Finn and Noah walked in hand in hand. Noah noticed some girls taking and giggling. They pointed to Finn and one of the girls blushed. Noah of course noticed this and got jealous. However he trusts Finn.

He sighed and cuddled into Finns side. Finn chuckled at how cute his boyfriend is.

During class Finn used a notebook to talk to Noah. They sat right next to each other. So without talking they would write instead.

Hey Noah!

Hey Finn!

Are you okay? You seemed a bit off this morning.

I'm fine! But there were these girls talking about you and blushing.

Oh? So your jealous?

No I'm not!

Noah blushed and looked away. Finn chuckled.

After class Finn was at his locker. Then that girl from earlier came up. "Hey! I'm Alex!" She said. "Hey. I'm Finn." Finn said. "I-I know. Um can I tell you something?" She asked.

Just then Noah was walking up to Finn.

"I like you." She said. "I have a boyfriend. Sorry." He said not sounding sorry at all. "Oh I know. I can be better though." She said. "No ones better then him." Finn said.

Noah came up and grabbed Finns hand. "Go away. He said he has a boyfriend." Noah said.

She scoffed and walked away. Finn chuckled and turned his attention to Noah. He smiled and kissed his lips.

"You know I love you right?" He asked. "I love you too." Noah said.


Alright! I officially have no more ideas! This chapter was trash! I might need the book here! Sorry!

Anyways have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 277

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