Do You Like her?

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Noah sat across from Millie and Finn. They were laughing an talking. Noah thinks it's stupid. Stupid how their so close. Stupid how he's jealous. Noah and Finn had been secretly dating for a while.

Millie seems to like Finn. But when he asked her she denied it. He wasn't to sure that was the truth though. He was starting to get pissed off.

Finn didn't even notice that they were leaving him out. He felt like a third wheel. Even though HE was dating Finn. Not Millie.

Finn hadn't talked to him at all besides a hello ever since they got here. He started to feel tears well up in his eyes.

He stormed off Finn not even noticing. He returned home and started to cry in his pillow. Finn made him feel like this. His best friend. His soulmate. His lover.

His supposed to be the one who makes Noah feel safe, protected, loved.

He heard the doorbell ring but didn't get up to answer it. He assumed his mom would answer it. She did.

He heard light knock on the door. He groaned and heard the door open. He had his eyes closed.

He felt someone sit beside him and rubbed his arm. He kissed his head. "Noah." Finn said.

Noah opened his eyes and sat up. "Finn?" He asked. "That's me. Where did you go? Your crying? What happened?" Finn asked,

"You happened." Noah said. "What? What do you mean?" Asked Finn. "Your my boyfriend Finn. And you've been having out when Millie WAY more than me. I get shes your best friend but you could also hang out with me. I felt like a third wheel Finn. It made me miserable. Seeing you and Mills like that. It made me feel like you don't love me." Noah explained.

"Oh Noah... I am so very sorry. I swear I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I do love you Noah. I'm so sorry." Finn said cupping Noahs face.

"Really?" Noah asked. "Finn nodded and kissed his head. Finn then kissed his nose then lightly kissed his lips. "I'll make it ip to you. Come on!" Finn said grabbing Noahs hand.

"Where are we going?" Noah asked. "On a coffee date." Finn said with a wink. Noah smiled and blushed.


Dorbyn4ever Hope this was to go liking!

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 400

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