I Do

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(Sequel to Yes)

Noah was looking in the mirror. He was getting his suit on. He was scared of what Finn would think. Millie told him that he looked great though. And that Finn would think so too. He's actually terrified. He doesn't know what will happen after they get married. He loves Finn so much. However he always wondered if Finn was changing his mind about getting married to him.

He wanted to be with Finn forever. What if Finn gets bored of him though? He didn't want that.

In the middle of his little freak out Millie came rushing in. "Noah!" Millie screamed. Noah jumped. "Millay!" Noah screamed back. "Are you ready?" Millie asked.

Noah nodded still terrified. "You'll be great. He'll think that too. Finn loves you Noah." Millie said.

Noah nodded still a little nervous but he felt slightly better.

Noah walked down the aisle with a smile on his face. He looked to the side and saw his family balling their eyes out. Noah got a little teary as well. Noah looked at Finn. He saw Finn whipping his eyes. Guess he was getting emotional too.

He stood next to Finn. "You look so beautiful." Finn whispered. Noah smiled and was about to start crying. "Do you Finn Wolfhard take Noah Schnapp to be your wedded husband?" "I do." Finn said. "And Noah Schnapp do you take Finn Wolfhard to be your wedded husband?" "I do." Noah said crying a bit.

"You may kiss."

Their lips connected. They knew this was right. They knew that everything would be perfect. They would create a family together. Grow old together.

They were happy. With each other.


So yay! About her chapter!!!! This lovely idea was from squidlover99

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 298

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