You Wanna Bet?

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Finn walked out of the bathroom after among our with his boyfriend, Noah. He then heard some guys talking about Noah.

"Yea. He's so annoying. Like no one wants him here." One of the guys laughed. Finn got mad quickly. Obviously. They were talking shit about his boyfriend.

He walked over to them. "Hey." Finn said. They turned around. "Aren't you Noah's boyfriend?" He laughed. "Shut the hell up." Finn said. "Or what? Your gonna beat me." He said mockingly. "Yes. That's exactly what I'm gonna do." Finn said. "Oh please." He said. "Wanna bet?" He asked.

Noah walked out out to see a crowd of students chanting things. He tried to push pass them all to see what the commotion is about. He then saw Finn and some other dude fighting.

Noah's eyes widened at the sight. Finn the saw him with a shocked expression. "About time your boyfriend showed up." The other guy spat. Finn punched his nose. The guy yelped.

Noah grabbed his boyfriend and pulled out the fight. They went to the nurses office.

After Finn was all fixed up Noah was laying in Finn lap. "I'm sorry. But he was talking favor about you. And I couldn't just let that slide." Finn said. "It's fine Finn. I forgive you. I was just worried. Your probably gonna get detention though. Or suspended." Noah said.

"Worth it."


Hello! I'm got it add a chapter on College life! So enjoy that! Anyways have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 252

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