He Left (Pt. 2)

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Finn hates himself. Hard himself for leaving. Hates himself for not responding. He especially hates himself for loving him back. He needed to tell him.

Meanwhile Noah was crying his heart out to Sadie. The only one who knew about his crush on Finn. She kinda caught on. She notices a lot of things. She was lightly rubbing his back until Noah got calmer.

"He just left Sadie." He said while sobbing even harder. "I know. He's an asshole." Said said with anger.

"I don't know what to do. He's not going to talk to me ever again." Noah said. "I'm sure he just needs some time to think. And if he says anything mean to you I'll beat his ass." Sadie said making Noah laugh a little.

There was a light knock on the door. Sadie got up and opened the door to revel Finn. "Can I please talk to him?" Finn asked. Sadie rolled her eyes and let him in.

"You say shit and I kick your ass." She said. Finn nodded and walked carefully to Noah. Noah looked up with red puffy eyes.

"Noah..." Finn said sitting down next to him. Noah looked up at Sadie letting her know to give them privacy. She nodded and headed out.

"Noah... I'm sorry. So very sorry." Finn said. "That's it? That's your apology? Well it's a very shitty one. You just walked out on me. Leaving me. I thought you hated me." Noah said with tears in his eyes.

"Noah." Finn said grabbing his hand. Noah looked at him. "I love you too." Finn said. "No you don't. You're just saying that to make me feel better." Noah said.

"No I'm not. I've loved you for a while now. Please Noah." Finn said. Finn reached his hand up to stoke Noah's cheek. Noah melted into his touch.

Finn wrapped his free arm around his waist pulled him closer. Finn looked into Noah's eyes. Finns eyes were full of love.

Noah connected their lips putting his arms around his neck. Finn moved Noah on top of his lap. They pulled away just to reconnect.

Finn bit his bottom lip asking for entrance. Noah opened his mouth and Finn slid his tongue in. Noah moaned into the kiss and lightly pulled Finns hair.

They pulled away breathing heavily. They didn't say anything else. Noah rested his head on Finns shoulder. Finn kissed his head and held him close.



Words: 409

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