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Finn and Noah were going on a boat ride today. Noah couldn't wait. Finn finally got his boat licenses. Finn has been wanting to for quite some time. Both Noah and Finn really enjoy the ocean. So a boat date sounded nice for them.

They were getting their suits on. "You ready love?" Finn asked. "Yep! Noah exclaimed. Finn smiled and pulled Noah into a kiss. Noah smiled into the kiss.

They pulled away and walked to the boat hand in hand. Finn helped Noah onto the boat. Finn then got on the boat and started it.

Noah got happy and laid down. "You ready?" Finn asked. "Yep!" Noah said. Finn then started going.

It was nice. Noah got up and started to dance to the music that was playing. "Babe, sit down." Finn laughed. "Nope!" Noah said. "Alright. But if you fall out I'm not helping ya." Finn said. Noah just laughed and continued to dance.

They reached a beach and Noah helped Finn with the boat. After they parked the boat they immediately ran into the ocean.

They were laughing and having fun. They both just sat in the water with drinks in their hands and talked.

"Do you think Halloween would ever fall on Friday the 13th?" Finn questioned. Noah just started laughing at how stupid Finn is.

They went back to the boat and ate for some time. "Do you wanna to to drive the boat?" Finn asked. "I don't know..." Noah said. "It's easy. I'll show you." Finn said. "Okay." Noah said still a little nervous.

Noah began driving the boat away from the beach. Finn was instructing him on iOS to drive and where to go.

After about 20 minutes Finn took over again.

They returned back home. Noah sighed as he flopped in the couch. "I'm exhausted. I had fun." Noah said. Finn chuckled and climbed on the couch.

Noah laid his head down on Finns chest. Finn began lightly stroking Noah's hair. He then moved on to rubbing his back.

Finn kissed the top on his head. "I love you." Finn said. Noah blushed. "I love you too." Noah said.


I have no ideas.

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 370

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