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"You ready?" Millie asked Noah. Noah nodded. They were going to Finns concert tonight. He couldn't be more excited.

They always got a free pass to get in. He saw Finn practicing the guitar. "Hey babe." Noah said. "Hey love." Finn said wrapping his arms around Noah. Finn kissed his head. "Good luck out there." Noah said. Finn chuckled.

The concert soon started. Fans were cheering loudly ad Finn came on stage. Finn saw Noah and winked. A fan next to him turned to her friend. "Did you see that!? He winked at me!" She yelled. Noah rolled his eyes.

Finn started singing. Noah has always loved Finns voice. He could listen to it all day. Noah smiled up at his boyfriend.

Finn smiled back. The girl beside him still thought that Finn was looking at her. "Awww. You guys are so cute together." Millie said. Noah chuckled.

"I know." He said. "Oh course." Millie laughed. After the concert Noah ran to his boyfriend and jumped on him. "Hello to you too." Finn said holding Noah. Noah chuckled.

"You did great out there." Noah said. "Thanks for coming." Finn said. "Wouldn't miss it." Noah said.


Words: 197

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