He Left

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Noah watched as Millie and Finn kiss as Mike and El. He couldn't help but feel sad. Guilty. Because he's in love with Finn Wolfhard. A guy that will never love him back. Noah felt tears in his eyes. He wanted to run out and never come back. But of course he couldn't do that.

After the scene Finn went over to Noahs place. Apparently he knew something was up.

He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. After a few seconds Noah answered the door with a big smile. Finn smiled back.

"You need something?" Noah asked. "Yea... could I talk to you?" Finn asked. Noah nodded and let him inside.

They sat down on the couch. They sat in silence for a few seconds. Until Finn said something.

"Are you okay? You have been acting off...? You look sad." Finn said.

Noah was surprised. "Of course! I'm fine!" Noah exclaimed. Finn didn't believe him of course.

"No your not. You can tell me anything. You know that right?" Finn said. Noah sucked in a breath. "You'll hate me." Noah said. He felt like he was going to cry at any moment.

Finn rested his hand on Noahs shoulder reassuringly. "I promise I won't." Finn said with a smile.

Noah knew he should do it. Get it off his chest. "So... you know I'm gay right?" Noah asked. Finn nodded. "Well I like something. Well love." Noah said.

"Oh! What's so bad about that? Do they not like you back?" Finn asked.

Noah shook his head. "Who do you like?" Finn asked. Noah looked up at Finn in silence. Finn got it. "Oh... it's me." Finn said.

Noah looked down tears in his eyes. Finn didn't say anything. He just left.

He finally let all his sadness out. He sobbed.


Part 2?

Have a wonderful day or night!

Words: 313

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