Prologue and Warning⚠️📜

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This fanfiction is a creation of pure fandom joy and is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or authorized by the original creators of "Seraph of the End." All characters, settings, and other elements related to "Seraph of the End" remain the awesome property of their respective copyright holders.

Copyright Notice:

The original storyline, plot twists, and brand-new characters introduced by yours truly in this fanfiction are my cherished intellectual property. You can enjoy reading, discussing, and fan-girling/fan-boying over it, but copying, reproducing, or transmitting any part of this fanfiction without my explicit permission is a big no-no. Respect the creativity, and let's keep the fun rolling!

I hope you love this story, also don't forget to show your love with comments and likes.

Your's truth ✨



The New York skyline glittered outside my penthouse office, but it was just a bunch of empty lights. Sure, I am a big-shot business tycoon with everything-money, power, connections. Yet, as I stared out the window, all I felt was this gnawing emptiness and boredom.

My office screamed luxury: fine art, high-tech gadgets, sleek furniture. Normally, I'd revel in this setup, but lately, it all felt so...blah and bored. Contracts and deals that used to get my heart racing now felt routine, predictable, and honestly, boring.

I spun around in my plush leather chair, drumming my fingers on my mahogany desk. I could close deals in my sleep, and that was the problem. Everything had become too easy, too lifeless.

With a heavy sigh, my eyes fell on the one thing that brought me any joy: a New book called "Owari no Seraph." I picked it up, smiling faintly. I'd read it a million times, but it never got old. The characters' struggles, their fights for survival-it all felt so real compared to my mundane world.

"Pitiful and stupid," I muttered, flipping through the worn pages. "What's with this story is that it always gives me an existential crisis! Every character is dumb, and the dumber is Shikama . He is just creating and destroying that world like it's some child's play?!"


"They fight for scraps of hope, not seeing how trapped they are."

Yet, despite my criticism, I felt connected to their journey. They had passion, fire-things I once had but felt slipping away. My success felt hollow, like I'd built an empire on quicksand.

"What am I missing?" I whispered into the quiet room. U had everything, but it all felt like nothing. Personal relationships? I'd sacrificed those long ago. Leisure? Who had time for that? Adventure? There is none.

My phone buzzed, pulling me back to reality. Another meeting, more investors to impress. I glanced at the screen, then back at my book. For a moment, I considered blowing it all off, diving into the chaos of my favorite story instead.

"Later," I promised myself, placing the book back on the desk. Escaping into fiction was a temporary fix for my real problems.

As I headed to my meeting, a thought struck me.

Does God exist? If he does, is he as cruel as in the world of seraph of the end? Isn't God is the main antagonist in that series. Seriously what was the author even thinking while making this. His concept of god is really the worst! Aren't gods supposed to be merciful, and angels are supposed to be pure.

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