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Guren's POV

I ignored those two idiots and left the classroom, needing a break from their nonsense.

Shigure lowered her head and looked at me. "Ah, I will make sure to teach Sayuri a lesson..."

"That is definite," I replied.

Sayuri looked around, confused. "Eh? Eh?"

I ignored her, my mind drifting to how everyone seemed so fascinated with Diana. As if anyone could handle her.

But as soon as I walked out into the corridor, I sensed a strong killing aura. Just my luck.

"..." I didn't react, keeping up the act of being weak and powerless. I felt Diana's presence, but she halted. She and the others had sensed it too, especially Sayuri and Shigure, who trained relentlessly to protect me.

"Don’t make a move. Let me deal with it," I ordered quietly.

"But—" Shigure began, surprised.

Before she could finish, someone kicked me in the head. I hit the ground hard, holding my head as I looked up at the attacker—a group of guys with a leader sporting brown hair, narrow snake-like eyes, and a lip piercing.

"Ah, sorry, just slipped my foot," the guy said condescendingly, and everyone around laughed.

Shigure couldn't control herself. "You bastard!" She stepped forward, fists raised, but before she could reach him, a punch landed on his face, sending him crashing to the ground, blood spilling from his head.

Everyone gasped. It was Diana.

"Hey, do you know what you’re doing? That’s Hiiragi Seishirou-sama standing there!" a female student shouted, but Diana didn't care.

Diana smoothed her hand, smirking. "Ouch, that hurt. What’s your face made of?"

Seishirou, someone from the Hiragi House, had an almost god-like status here. But now, he was bleeding on the floor, supported by his minions.

"To think you want to get involved with Seishirou-sama... the nerve..." the girl continued, but Diana kicked her, too.

"Oops, sorry. My hands keep slipping today. Better not stand in my way," Diana said, smiling a fake smile.

The girl tried to attack Diana, but Seishirou stopped her, spitting blood. "That’s enough, Yumi! Who are you, anyway? One of Ichinose's bitches? You'll regret this. Trash from the Ichinose House won’t understand anything else without using fists "

Seishirou raised his fist to punch Diana, who didn't move. I knew what she was planning—let him hit her, so that she could beat him black and blue, later justify her reason for hitting him. This crazy woman.

I was almost ready to stop Seishirou’s fist, but his fist was grabbed by someone else.

I looked, and it was Shinya, who had just come out of the classroom. Shinya held onto his hand and said, “Seishirou-sama… Do you even know who you are raising hands on? It's Diana Kambe. You can't raise your hands like this. She only defends her friend, and with your status, making such a scene in public by beating up someone weak from the Ichinose House, it really gives the Hiragi House a bad name. And messing with the Kambe House will cause a lot of trouble.”

Seishirou glared at Shinya. "Hah? You’re only an adopted son. Your opinion doesn’t matter."

Shinya didn't back down. "I deeply apologize, but—"

"No buts." Seishirou withdrew his fist, then hit Shinya, who didn’t dodge. Blood started dripping from Shinya’s lips.

Seishirou laughed. "Haha, good choice. You can't beat me. Because of your sensibleness, my father chose you to be Mahiru’s fiancé. You better realize this."

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