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Hello, lovies! I hope y'all are doing great. I apologize for the late upload, I was kinda busy with my schedules and all. But I'll try to keep updating from now on! Hope I'll get your support!

** Also I made a little plot changes to the last chapter, make sure to read it for avoiding confusion!!

Diana POV

"Long time no see, princess."The deep voice of a certain triple-B bushy-browed pest echoed down the hallway.

I sighed dramatically, pulling myself together and standing up to face him.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Kureto Hiragi~. Heard you're in the student council. Must be a real thrill," I said, sarcasm dripping from every word.

"I'm the president, princess."Arrogant prick.

"Wow, the president, huh? Must be nice having all that free time to wander around harassing underclassmen. Tell me, does being president come with a special badge or just an inflated ego?"I replied, my voice oozing fake sweetness.

Take that, bushy brows bitch!

He chuckled, his eyes widening before bursting into laughter.

"You're still as hilarious as ever, princess. Being in the student council does require a lot of effort, but for you, I'd make an exception. How about joining? We could spend a lot of time together. Maybe then you'd accept my proposal."Still as manipulative as always, I guess dogs tail never stand straight for too long huh.

"Oh, Kureto-san, I'm flattered, really. But I'd rather chew glass💢.Maybe you should focus on finding someone who actually cares about your pathetic power plays," I shot back, smirking.

Kureto is arrogant and powerful, never tolerating any disrespect from lower-rank families. He's manipulative, ruthless, and treacherous. Shinoa calls him a "monster." He never hesitates to abandon his comrades if they're no longer useful, seeing it as a strength. He expects absolute loyalty and isn't above threatening others to get what he wants. His confidence in himself and his plans is almost comical, if it weren't so infuriating.

And why is he interested in me? Naturally, it's because of the power and authority the Kambe family holds.

"You see, Kureto-san, I'm not interested in spending time with you. Maybe you should stop wasting your time buzzing around like an annoying mosquito. You know what we do to mosquitoes, right?"I clapped my hands together loudly. "Squish." I turned on my heel and strutted into the classroom.

A few years ago, the Hiragi clan heard rumors about the Kambe family being close to the Ichinose family. To tie us to them, they sent an official engagement letter. Honestly, these people must be delusional. The entire clan seems to be a bunch of lunatics. The author must have been high while creating them. How can an entire clan be so messed up?

And of course, my father, being my father, was furious and refused instantly. Not only Hiragi, but according to him, he won't give his precious daughter to anyone until the day he perishes.

I was about to enter the classroom before that sudden throbbing in head halt my movement.

'not now' I looked around for all the camera's. I used my power to teleport and summon one of the shapshift to make place within 0.5 second. Before anyone could doubt the footage.

I teleported directly at kambe mansion and fall on my knees to just cough up more blood.

Before I could loose my vision, I saw the black mist forming and the sound of a deep voice

' Ts'k Ts'k how many times have I told you to stop being careless, while using this powers, A normal human body can't last longer handling this power, you dumbass.'


I'll be uploading regularly from now on guys❣️

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