chapter-13 reunion of the two

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Diana POV-

As the plot Guren took it right in the chest. The sound of a broken rib was heard. His body went flying in the air. Before he could hit the ground I moved fast and catched him .

I can sense his consciousness was fuzzy. That was how powerful Shinya's spell-accelerated force was.

"You're kidding me ~. How stubborn can you be? Or, could it be that you're really
weak?" Shinya said as he looked down at him in surprise.

" Ara, A Hiragi bullying the weak, it won't be good for the Hiragi's reputation, don't you think Shinya chan~?" I mocked while knowing very well, shinya doesn't give two cents about the Hiragi reputation but either way I don't like anyone hurting my Favorite charecter, only I have the right!

before he could response the red head migl rushed upto us and starts shouting for help,

"S-Sensei! Bl-Blood is coming out of Ichinose-kun's mouth!?" She yelled.

But the teacher did not move. She merely grinned as she looked down at him. This fucking lunatics.

On top of that, I heard voices saying, "as expected, the ability of one from the
Hiragi House is way too different, but that kambe girl definitely pulled that off".

My expression starts darkened, All this human nature are same, from my previous life till now,

They look down on people who have no authority.

And lick the feet of those corrupts,

In previous life, I used think how the world would be if I can just wiped of the entire humanity.

But that's also won't do any great, human nature there desires, greed, lust, arrogance will keep conquering.

It's upto the individuals if they can fight there own desires to be decent.

Only way to dominate and change the system is by cutting the diamond with another diamond.

Power defeats power. Even in my previous life I had gain that power, so do I in this world.

I'm wondering if it will worth the shot to save this pests.

"Hey, what on earth are you guys thinking of.?"

Following that, Goshi, who had hit Guren and smirked at him earlier came up,

"Hey, the way this blood is flowing out, it looks seriously awful doesn't it?" He said.

But that should not have been the case. Suddenly Guren put his hand on mine and pushed me a little, and shifted his body at an angle where his vitals should have escaped injury even if a rib broke after getting hit ---

but still, his consciousness was fuzzy.

"You didn't messed up a little, it could've took your life too, Guren.. tsk.. fucking monster" I murmurs but it was loud enough for Guren to hear, before he could response to me Goshi interrupt,

"Hey hey hey, someone bring this guy to the infirmary."

" No need, I'm taking him with me, no needs to follow us." My jaw clenching so hard at annoyance, I can't express.

Before leaving I looked at the crows that was sitting on the branches.

My eyes suddenly flash red before flashing the faces of the teacher, I summon my power order them,

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