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First person P.O.V-

Diana is roaming around mindlessly. Thinking about what's the point of this live. 'ah~ atlest I can watch it live ,but why is it just me?'

She still couldn't come to conclusions. She can't put all the dots together to reach an logical explanation. So she left it as it. For now her goal is to solve all the problems and mystery put this story on its place. ' maybe if she end the story, she will be able to return back,'

But there is no point of returning back. This world to much fun, too much adventurous, too much gore, she can do anything here. This power everything she got is no joke. No restrictions, no limits. She can rule this world,If she wants too. Diana thinking about all the possibilities.

While zoning out. She didn't realize how much time past. She heard the announcement of starting the ceremony. She is definitely not interested on this boring ceremony she rather go around do something else. It's almost time for her next step.

She returned towards the auditorium to see the heroine of the current plot. With beautiful, long ashen hair, and dignified, resolute eyes. Even though her face
was best described as coldly well-chiseled, she did not appear cold at all.

Gentle, graceful, and just like when she was still a child, she still had that same
innocent look, it seemed. It was understandable why others would want to call her a goddess.

No wonder Guren is head over heels for this beauty. Fuck it if she wasn't straight. She would've fall too. After all she loves pretty things way to much for her own good.

The crowded auditorium returned to silence in such an atypical manner that it
would be hard to imagine that there were over a thousand people here.
Everyone's attention was drawn in by Mahiru.

Of course, just the Hiiragi name alone would have that kind of power. The power
to silence all who were gathered here.

But right now, that was not the only thing that happened.

It would appear that the students were rendered motionless, struck by some sort
of bright light that was inside of Mahiru.

Mahiru stepped up to the podium.

She looked intently at the students, greeted them lightly, and smiled gently.

"Thank you for the introduction. I am Hiiragi Mahiru. Today, I've been given the
task of greeting you as the freshman representative. Pleased to meet you all."

A crystal clear voice.

With her voice alone, she seemed to have put the auditorium under a magic spell.

'perks of being the protagonist I guess, later villain sad.'

Diana thought as she looked at the faces of spellbounded Guren and Mito.

Guren longing gaze was stuck on mahiru like fevicol, But Of course, Mahiru did not turn her gaze towards Guren. It was probably difficult to find him among such a large crowd anyway.

But Diana knows better than anyone that's not the case.

Afterall this pretty bitch is obsessed over Guren.

This made her rolled her eyes. She never bring herself to understand all this emotional bullshits. But she continues to listen to the speech.

"Thank you for the introduction. I am Hiiragi Mahiru. Today, I've been given the task of greeting you as the freshman representative. Pleased to meet you all."

Diana watched Guren,he clenched his fist thinking it's not noticed by everyone. But he definitely doesn't know someone here know him more than himself.

Diana turned her focus on the podium again. Ignoring the sudden concern. She can't afford to get attached while knowing the future.

Observing Mahiru from head to toe,

This girl is already beyond saving, The possession of demon is not develop fully yet.

The speech was finished as everyone starts to moving out of the auditorium. Diana followed the way where mahiru went.

She made sure to hide her presence. She saw mahiru going toward the other entrance of some room. As mahiru went in, she was also about to follow, before someone pulled her harshly and she collided with something hard.

She looked up only to see familiar purple eyes looking at her with one arched brows.

"What are you doing here?"

"Why couldn't I feel your presence?" She blurt out on the moment. A smirk formed on Guren face. As he backed her on wall and caged her with his arm. Since they both are really tall, there is not much height difference between them.

Diana kept looking at him confusingly trying to figure out. What's happening and why. Between her thoughts she failed to notice the loving gaze of those pair of purple eyes.

Guren put one of her hair strand behind her hair and sighed at the clueless girl infornt of him.

" What are you doing here? Are you thinking about creating new problems?"

Diana pushed him a little and laughed, " Oh come on Guren chan~ when have I ever made any problems?"

Guren give her the most no nonsense look as of this moment,


" Ayo, you alright or your system got shut by realizing the truth?" Diana poked his cheeks, As Guren sighed, he is used to it.

" Forget it, Let's move from here, the teacher was finding you. They are will be some more quest or something happen." With that saying he left from there.

Diana kept looking him walk away. 'What's with not sensing his presence at all. I've to be more on my guards. I can't forget the fact, he is the reason why all this mess will began first hand, maybe he is not but whatever. But I need to follow mahiru as well, ummm.. let's leave it for now.'

She was walking through the corridor to the class but she suddenly bumps into someone hard chest. That person caught her before she could fall, she looked up to see who's that person

'Not fucking now!!'

Seraph Of The End -The Devil Prodigy (Ichinose Guren X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now