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Diana's POV-

"When is she going to wake up?"

" She was supposed to wake up by now. Because of using too much power, it took toll on her body. But it's really impressing how her body is actually holding up it's almost way beyond any normal human body could take."

' that's because Asmodeus always heal me bitches'

'tch- since you know that brat, why don't do me the honour by not making me use regeneration power recklessly'

Sudden voice of Asmodeus freaked me out. Which made me sit up instantly.

"Oh god, sometimes I forget you can hear my thoughts." I murmur before looking at the two figure infornt of me who looks like two person just in small and big package.

" Thank goodness! Ana you woke up. I was so scared!" The teenage boy with same brown hair and pair of dark eyes instantly jump at me in a bone crushing hug.

" Yeah yeah I'm absolutely fine suguru kun,See~" I coxed him while Patting his head.

" You brat. Leave her she just woke up" I looked at Denma san who pulled his son suguwara AKA suguru kun by his collar and dragged him away.

Yeah he is his son, also despite how stupid and childish he acts he is actually a genius inventor. Technically he is one year older than me but if I count my previous life to this life, I could easily pass for there grandma's.

Then my attention goes toward my surroundings, which is the secret laboratory room. Many wires here and there attached to my body.

I can feel alot more refreshed than last time . That means Asmodeus have completed healed the damage that my body gained.

" So how many days I was out this time Denma san? I asked with a straight face.

" 9 days straight for now, it's not much compared to the last time where you were in coma for 2 weeks."

" Wow, it's an nice progress I see!" My eyes brighten at the sudden information as I clapped my two hands in excitement.

Doesn't that mean I can use more of powers?

" Kid, don't even think about it. Next time you might never wake up who knows." He sighed.

" Come on! Don't be such pessimist. Denma san!"

" It's called being cautious miss. I'll be leaving now" he was about to left with dragging suguru kun with him before I stopped them.

"Leave suguru kun here!" I almost screamed.

He sighed deeply before abandoning his son.

So much for being father 😔

" Ana chan, you should think more about your body. You can't keep straining yourself like this" suguru complained while removing all the attached wires from my body.

I patted his head, " ne~ne, I didn't think it would strain my body this much. I just used to summon few more demons." " Afterall we don't have much time left" I murmurs the last part.

For past few years I've been gathering everything that will help us surviving in the future after the catastrophe.

I'm planning to take control over Japan after the catastrophe by raising the power of Kambe house. Those who have more public supports along with resources are the one who can survive this nasty human power game, and I know this better than anyone.

I want everything to come back to it's places and want every miserable charecters to save from their faith. I just want to see the ending and leave my life peacefully next.

Seraph Of The End -The Devil Prodigy (Ichinose Guren X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now