chapter- 14

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Diana's POV-

"I can't believe you are stalking him like this" Asmodeus said in his cat form. Which is big black fluffy cat.

" Shut up, ash's, how can I miss such an great opportunity to see this love bird reunion.

I told him and keep my contraction on scenery that is playing on the screen in my hand.

" This Guren brat is really sneaky, he was all over you when you were sleeping and now he's giving those looks of lost lover to this girl." Asmodeus complain.

I picked Asmodus and held him while Patting his head, " He is not sneaky at all, he loves mahiru and only her, love is so scary, it's the biggest curse itself. Despite being so smart and ambitious, he sacrificed everything for love. So don't worry about him being all over me. He consider me as his competition maybe friend idk." I looked at blue sky starts thinking about Guren.

Honestly I myself don't know anymore. My concern for him is way too much, even when I left him with mahiru alone, I almost didn't wanted to leave. What's my own feelings for him?

I'm a person who was single since forever, now that I think about it.In my previous and this life, I had no love interest. Wtf!

Maybe I should try dating! I might be just infratued with Guren, since I've spent almost maximum time in this life with him.

" You both are stupid and dumbass, you both brat don't even realize it. You both just needs to figure out and confess already before it's too late for you to regret." Asmodeus smirks before jumping out my lap and vanish in the air.

This old damn devil! One day I'll get my revenge with you as well💢

I sighed before I saw Guren coming out of the school looking for someone untill his eyes landed on my figure.

He walked towards me leaning before took my bag in his hands.

" Why are you so slient? Did someone cast a mute spell on you" he flicked my forehead and smirks.

I snickers " hey! I told you not to do this baka" as I pouted.

He laughed and pinch my cheeks " you know you are getting fat day by day. Maybe you should starts working out more"

" And you are getting blind as well, maybe you should get glasses first."

" Neh, why would I spent my money to only see your ugliness.ugh" he rolled his eyes but his ear turned red because I put my hands around his neck and leaned closer, " why don't you look at my pretty face closer. To see how badly you need the Glass to change your opinion"

Guren pushed me little and clear his. I coughed a little before changing the topic, "anyway where is sayuri and siguri? Doesn't they always stick with you like glue?"

" I ordered them to go back, since classes ended a long time ago" he said starts walking with one hand in his pocket other holding two bags.

Why did he send them back?

I thought before looking at his figure walking away, I run before him to catchup almost got knocked up by stone, but Guren held my arm before sliding his hand on my mine.

" So are you already falling so hard for me Diana chan~ " he smirks and tease me.

" Why do you want me too Guren kun~? " I teased him back.

"As if!" He murmur loud enough for me to hear, I burst out laughing. He looks like cat when he is pouting.

We both didn't say anything, we just kept walking on the road of Shibuya quietly.

Suddenly a cute cafe come into my view, I pulled Guren with me, " look at that place, let's go and sit there. I'm famished anyway."

" Sure" we both went inside the cafe and took a window seat in the corner.

We placed our order before Guren asked, " So Diana Kambe can you explain now, where have you been and when did you learn the healing spell."

I looked at his face which is serious, damn serious. Specially when he took my full name.

I laughed nervously, " As you know, I was sic__" he cut me off " I'm asking you about the truth not the lie " he raised on eyebrows at me suspiciously.

He never asked me anything before, I can't also tell why he is asking me all this question suddenly. Did the last encounter with Saito, made him suspect me. Did saito tell him something?

My face darkened, the usual carefree facade is gone, I seat straight put my one leg on another and hold my two hands together on table and exhale a long breath,

" I've no reason to hide anything from you Guren, but I still can't help but ask a question that only you can answer. Which is can I really trust you enough to reveal it. Because I don't think you can accept it."

I observe his reaction, he raised one brow before saying " Even after staying together for so many years, you still can't believe me? What a irony."

" It's not because of your present or the past, it's because I know the future. If I say correct, it's more like, I know what your answer will be."

Guren sighed before looking outside window again to me, " How can you judge it based on what you believe, future is uncertain it could change any moment. Why don't you tell first."

I chuckled, " is that so?So I'll ask you one question then decide" My eye darkened " So can you kill Mahiru Hiragi"

Guren looked at me with eyes widened answer after a while,

" Why do you want me to kill her?"

"Uhmm~? If I tell you, she is a threat for everyone even the world. Would you believe me? Would you put my words before her?" I lowered my eyes and looked at him intensely.

A normal human would have shivered in fear by now, but only Guren can deal with it.

I already know his answer and inner conflict, he can even betray his sense of duty for her. So expecting him to support me is a pure Bliss.

Before he could answer the waiter come back with our order and broke the tense atmosphere.

I give the waiter a smile he instantly blush before he slide a paper towards me, before I could take it. Guren snatched it from my hand, and tore it.

" Tsk- are you here to work or flirt? Should I call your manager💢?" I saw how he cliched his jaw rightly and release a killing instinct.

The waiter apologize and left in fear.

I was still dumbfounded, what just happened. What's with his attitude?

'I warned you about this brat before, tsk he is one hell of a sneaky bastard. You were raising a wolf while thinking it's a sheep all this time' Asmodeus speak in my mind.

Sudden realization hit me. As the fear took over me.

No fucking way...

To be continued...

Seraph Of The End -The Devil Prodigy (Ichinose Guren X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now