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Third person POV-

The furthest seat from Guren's was occupied by the distinguished Hiragi and Kambe, placed at the front row near the entrance, far from the so-called 'dirty rat'.

Diana’s seat would have been there too, if she hadn’t suddenly decided otherwise.

The lady teacher continued her bullshit, “Everyone should already know this, but this is the very class that Shinya-sama and Kambe-san will be attending. The honor to be with..."

And so on and so forth.

'Great, more brown-nosing. I might get cavities just from listening'Diana thought, suppressing an eye roll.

The students listened with dreamy expressions, a stark contrast to their earlier disdainful looks aimed at Guren.

Diana has noticed all this disdain looks at Guren but she knows things will change from now on, a smile tugging at her lips at their naive attitudes.

She glanced out the window at the cherry trees outside the school gate waiting for a certain white hair Hiragi to make his entrance until she noticed Guren, staring at the same trees, murmured softly, "I'm worried about Shigure and Sayuri."

Diana heard him and, sensing his need for reassurance, whispered, "Don't worry, you know they'll be fine. You are the main target, not them. Besides, if you want I'll beat anyone's ass for you."

Before Guren could respond, the classroom door slid open. Instantly, the room fell silent, tension filling the air. Diana’s eyes lit up in anticipation.

"My,my~ why is it so quiet?" a man's voice rang out from the rear exit of the classroom.

Not just any man, but one of her favorite characters, Shinya Hiragi.

Diana could hardly contain her excitement. Her obsession over pretty things is something to laugh at.

She is like a crow, drolled at the side of anything pretty and shiny. Guren is well known for her characteristics.

The lady teacher, visibly nervous, greeted, "Oh my, it's Shinya-sama, welcome to my class… Also Kambe Sama,Please, you both have seats in the front row..."

But Shinya, with his signature grin, cut her off. "Eeh, I don't want such a front seat."

"Pfft," Diana nearly burst out laughing at how casually he dismissed the teacher.

"Eh, erm..."

"Actually, sensei, I think Shinya and I would prefer to sit somewhere more... comfortable," Diana interjected with a smirk, glancing at the back of the room.

"Of course! It’s not a problem, right, sensei?" she continued, enjoying the teacher’s growing confusion.

"Wha, I mean... but that..."

"So yeah, you pretty boy, you can sit here beside us," Diana said, smiling sweetly.

Guren, overhearing, felt his irritation rising. He didn’t like Diana speaking for others, especially not while calling Shinya a ‘pretty boy’. She was supposed to be with him, is it necessary for her to cozy up with others? Especially Hiragi.

Diana has always bullied any Hiragi she saw since childhood. It's surprising for Guren to see her liking this one. He was surprised by his desire to roll his eyes.

Guren turned his gaze to the newcomer whom Diana gave so much attention to, he got slightly surprised watching The man was the same one who had thrown a talisman at him this morning.

White hair, a uniform with a stand-up collar, and a grin that was both confident and sharp. This was none other than Hiragi Shinya.

‘I didn’t even need to ask Shigure to investigate his identity,’ Guren thought.

Shinya approached Diana with a grin. She turned to the girl seated beside Guren. "Hey, he’d like to sit here. Can you swap with him, darling?"

The girl, stunned, stammered as she got up, "Ah, y-yes! Of course, please help yourself!"

Shinya, surprised but pleased, bowed, took handshakes with Diana and said, "Thank you for your help, Princess”

Diana’s face turned red. Why wouldn’t it? Her other favorite character is talking to her.

The entire class gaze at these three figures.

Guren instantly knew hanging around these two dumbasses is going to get him in trouble. So he made a mental note to avoid them as much as possible. But he still couldn't help eavesdropping on their conversation.

"It’s not a problem at all." she replied, smiling.

The lady teacher, still flustered, said, "B-But, sitting beside that rat..." Diana cut her off, eyes half-closed.

"Hey, sensei. Is it really okay for a teacher to be calling her student a rat?"

"Ah, erm..."

"We are all in the same class. We have to get along." This time Shinya added.


The girl who had been seated beside Guren quickly made way.

"Thank you."

Shinya grinned, took the seat beside Guren, and said, "Aah, everyone, I’m sorry for interrupting. Please continue the homeroom lesson."

The lady teacher, flustered, resumed the homeroom lesson, talking about the protocol for the school entrance ceremony, the start of the term, and the classes. Bored, Diana decided to excuse herself and leave. The teacher said nothing. She couldn’t afford to reprimand Diana.

As Diana left the class, she felt the lingering gazes of Guren and Shinya. She knew what they would discuss. She wasn’t in the mood for Guren’s jealous rants or Shinya’s teasing today.

To be continued…

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