Chapter 110: The Virus Wielder

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"So as long as we have to deal with that idiot's bombs, there's no getting close to the enemy's building." Yosano was cleaning Kyouka palm.

Her phone rang and she answered it.

"What's the matter?" Yosano stood up, "What?! The president vanished?"

~F/n's Pov:~
Me, Naomi, and our other co-worker Haruno were sitting on a couch.

"Haruno." Naomi said.

"Mii hasn't been back for two days now.." Haruno looked worried. She smiled, "I'll go look for him." She was about to walk away.

"No!" Naomi grabbed her wrist. "It's dangerous outside."

"But Mii's smart when he doesn't come home, it's always because something bad's about to happen. The attempted bombing on the police building, and the illegal military activities before that. I have to bring him back, or something bad will happen to the president."

"Mii will be fine." I said.

"It's you that we're worried about." Naomi agreed.

"The boss..." Haruno mumbled, "That man... He pushed his sickness and left on his own to save us."

~No One's Pov:~
"So, Tanizaki, where has the president gone?"

"Well..." Junichiro answered Dazai, "We've got everyone looking for him, but we don't have the slightest idea."

"I'm not surprised." Dazai said. He was in a hospital bed on the phone with Tanizaki. "The president will have chosen somewhere we cannot find him." He was looking out the window, "If anyone would know where he is, it would be the people who close ties him. What would that person do in a situation like this?"

"That person?" Junichiro said.

"Dazai!" A nurse walked inside Dazai's patient room, "You were ordered complete bed rest after the surgery! And no phone calls in the hospital!"

"Huh? But another doctor gave me permission! People's lives are riding on this call!" I said.

"Rules are rules!" She snatched the phone from his hand.

~Dazai's Pov:~
"Rules are rules!" She snatched the phone from my hand.

"Oh, there you are!" Someone opened the door. "One of the doctors said they need you in room 3!"

"On it." The nurse put her phone in her pocket and walked past the other nurse.

The other nurse grabbed the phone from the nurse's pocket and she didn't notice.

Kokoro smiled. "Ha. I knew it would work."

"Wait... Aren't you the nurse who helped me and Y/n?" I asked.

"That's me! So, how are you two doing?" She gave me the phone.

"We've admitted our feelings to each other. We're a couple now."

"About time." She sighed, "Me and Sakura really hated seeing you two in the friend zone. Alright, enjoy your phone call!" She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

I blinked twice in surprise and looked at the phone.

Well, that was an easier way to get the phone. I was just going to steal it myself.

~Time Skip~
"Natsume is the legendary ability user who was the core backer of the Detective Agency." I said to Tanizaki, "He comes and goes, and his whereabouts are unknown. Rumor has it that his ability might be the most powerful of all, allowing him to see through anything."

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