Chapter One.

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I was reading back through my story and this chapter somehow got deleted. I'm super frustrated that I don't have a back up for this, so I attempted to re-write it as close to the original as possible, and added a few extra things. 


I had never been good with guys. I stumbled over my words, I got sweaty, and it just wasn't a good look for me. My sister, on the other hand, was great with guys. You could almost say she was to good. She knew just the right way to get all the attention. What I didn't understand is why she always needed me to go with her to these stupid parties. 

Obnoxious, drunk guys every where, preying on innocent drunk girls, who want nothing more than a stable relationship with one of Chicago's elite, and instead they were used and sent home later in a private car. 

I hated this. I wish I would have just stayed home, cuddled up with my dog, Mister Darcy, and a nice book. But here I was in heels too high, dress too tight, and a gross glass of wine. 

"Hey there." A random guy said, approaching me.

"No." I said, not bothering to look at him.

"I was just going to say how beautiful-" He tried again.

"No." I retorted. 

"Bitch." He muttered as he walked away.

"Well that wasn't very nice." Another guy said, standing against the pillar I had been babysitting all night.

"I know, it's not nice to name call." I said, finishing the horrible wine in my glass. 

"Poor guy just wanted to talk to you." He laughed.

"Well I didn't want to talk to him." I shrugged.

"You know he's like the third richest guy in Chicago right?" 

"And I'm the most uninterested by him." I grinned at him.

"Really? You don't care even a little?" He asked, clearly impressed.

"Not even a little." I shrugged.

"I can tell, because you haven't giving me the starstruck shit grin I've gotten all night." 

"Oh, so you're some special?" I asked.

"Patrick Kane, I play for the Blackhawks. I've played for team USA in the Olympics." 

"I assume that's impressive."

"Are you going to give me your name?" 

"I don't know yet." I smirked at him. 

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Macy asked, stumbling towards me out of nowhere.

"Sure." I said, settling my wine glass down on a random table. 

"Okay, we're going to be down in your car okay?" She said, before stumbling away, not bothering to wait for my answer.

"Great." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"That should be fun for you." Patrick laughed.

"You have no idea." I sighed.

"Mind if I walk you down?" He asked, almost hopeful.

"Sure. I suck at walking in heels." I smiled at him, and walked towards the elevator. 

"So what are the chances of you giving me your number?" He asked, as the elevator zoomed to the ground floor. 

"Slim to none seems a bit high..." I laughed.

I felt bad for the sad look on his face, but that just wasn't who I wanted to be.

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now