Author's Note.

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Hello my lovely readers. I've started working on another book that will come out once I finish up Our Time Now. It is a Chicago Cubs fanfiction, so please feel free to check out that out. I also have a Nathan Adrian short story that I'm finishing up here soon, if you want even more out of me. 

If you don't know who Nathan Adrian is, he's an olympic swimmer, who makes me drool. 

Like honestly

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Like honestly....drool. 

And of course my new Cubs one. To see if it may peak your interest, I am giving you a sneak peek of the first chapter. I will put up the preview of the first chapter in the book, so if it's something you want to read, you can follow it! So enough of this. Here is a preview of my new book, Miss Independent


"Hey Joel." I leaned over the bar, and smiled flirtatiously at the guy who ran one of the most popular clubs in Chicago. 

"Lennon, beautiful, I'm so glad you're here. We have a huge crowd tonight." He leaned over and kissed both of my cheeks.

"Well I'm here to help." I winked, throwing my jacket behind the bar, leaving me only in my favorite little black dress. It hit the middle of my thighs, and showed off my toned legs. It gave me just enough cleavage to draw in the eyes, but not enough to where I gave it all away. The stilettos I donned were the most comfortable heels I had, and drove the guys crazy.

"There's a bachelorette party in the corner from out of town, and they've been dying for people to come up to them, but they won't stay off their phones, so I'd work on them first, and then we have a good group for you later." He explained.

"What group?" I asked, unable to hide my excitement. He never set me up with a good group for the prime hours.

"It's a surprise. Now head over, and I'll let you know when the good stuff gets here."

I grabbed a bottle of Grey Goose, popped off the cork, and headed over to the very lame bachelorette party in the corner.

"Oh my god, are you getting married?" I asked, making myself at home sitting right next to the girl with the fake penises sewn onto her large puffy veil.

"Yeah, next weekend." She said, her eyes barely leaving her phone.

"That's so exciting. Here in Chicago?" I asked.

"No, I'm from Michigan. We're having a whole girls weekend here she explained, looking almost disappointed at the girls surrounding her, none of them looking like they were having any fun.

"So the whole shopping and bar hopping thing?" I enthused.

"We went shopping, but then no one even wanted to go out tonight, but we already rented this booth, and it seemed a waste not to come out." She shrugged, slipping her phone into her clutch.

Got her.

"Guys," I said, trying to get the rest of her party into the conversation. "Weddings are super fun, but let me tell you, nothing is like the bachelorette party. No guys to hold you back, what happens here, stays here. Just have fun, chat up cute guys, and then when you go home, you say you had a blast with your girls and you call it the best weekend of your friendship."

They all kind of looked at each other, and had an unspoken conversation.

"So let's get some alcohol in you guys, okay?" I said, pulling out the bottle of goose, and popping it open, sending a wink at Joel, who just shook his head with a smile.

One of the ways I made money was convincing other people to spend theirs. I would go out to certain bars on weekends, and hype people into spending money they wouldn't necessarily spend.

And boy was I good at it.

After finding a few guys to keep them entertained, and a promise that they weren't going anywhere, I made my way back up to the bar, to make sure that Joel gave me my first cut.

"Alright, so I'm giving you a huge VIP group. Big spenders, but usually keep to themselves, so I figured you could have a little fun, have some free drinks, and mingle with some of Chicago's elite. Sound good?" He offered.

"Sounds amazing." I smiled back.

I loved VIPs.

After doing a few shots with the bartenders, and hanging out with the DJ, I saw a guy that caught my eye.

Now I will admit anyone catching my eye was rare. Guys around here usually weren't worth my time, but this guy was different. He walked as confident as I did, when he laughed, it went all the way to his eyes like he meant it, and he just looked relaxed.

I made my way back down to the dance floor, as the guys he was with crossed over, and I knew this was my chance.

I saw some guy dancing bigger than he needed to, and it lined up at the right time as we would cross paths, so I simply acted like he bumped me into him.

He grabbed my arms gently, and helped to steady me.

"You okay?" He said, his eyes full of concern.

Got him.

"Yeah. I am so sorry." I said fluttering my eyelashes, using the best flirting I had in me.

"It's okay. What's your name, gorgeous?" He asked, a smirk on that handsome face of his.

"My name is Lennon, and you are?"

"You don't know me? I'm amazed. I'm Anthony Rizzo. I play for the Cubs." He smiled confidently. 


Alright, so like I said, if it sounds like something you'll like, please follow it, and let me know what you think!

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now