Chapter Six.

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My head was absolutely pounding. I knew that I shouldn't have drank that much, but that never seemed to stop me in the heat of the moment. I knew I needed another pill and I was glad that my habit had taken a backseat to my current situation. I had lots of pills.

All at once it occurred to me that I was not in my own bed. I was hesitant to open my eyes, but I knew I needed to.

I forced my eyes open, and my stomach sank when I didn't recognize any of my surroundings. The room was simply decorated, and gave no hint to who it belonged to. I was in the bed alone and I wanted to cry. I knew who I was with last night, but I blacked out a short time after getting to the club, and I could really be anywhere.

I sat up and ran my hands through my hair. I heard footsteps in the hallways and my breath caught in my throat.

I forcefully exhaled as Patrick walked through the door.

"Man you look rough. How are you feeling?" He said, with a hint of humor in his voice, but also concern.

"As rough as I look." I admitted.

He placed two pills on the table beside me with a glass of milk and sat on the edge of the bed next to me.

"We didn't do anything last night did we?" I asked, taking to pills to help with the blow of his answer.

"Do you really think this little of me?" He asked, the hurt showing through in his voice.

"It's not you that I think so little of." I admitted quietly.

"You didn't do anything you should regret. You didn't throw up. You had so much fun. We had so much fun." He said, placing his hand gently on my leg.

His words meant a lot to me, so I gave him a small smile in return.

"So I don't have anything to do today, would you like to hang out with me?" He asked, his voice giving away the nerves he was feeling.

"Sure." I replied, rewarding him for being so sweet to me. "What'd you have in mind?"

"It's a surprise. I have some of Charlie's clothes if you want to wear those, or I can take you home real quick for you to change. Or I can just buy you something new." he said, almost rambling.

"I couldn't ask you to buy me clothes." I said shyly.

"But the sooner you get ready, the sooner we can go have some fun." He said, a childish grin on his face. And it was infectious. I agreed to let him get me some clothes on the way to wherever we were going. We stopped at a mall along the way and he bought me some under wear and a bra, some shorts, and shirt and jacket.

It was mid-October, and it was starting to get chilly out. Halloween shops had started popping up around town, and I loved it. It was my favorite holiday and I celebrated it all month long.

I couldn't help but stare out the window at the changing leaves as we zoomed down the highway.

"So you're not going to give me even a little hint as to where we're going?" I asked for the millionth time, using what I could muster up as a cute face to help my case.

"We're almost there. And nice try with the adorable face, but a surprise is a surprise and I don't want to ruin it." he smiled over at me. I tried to pout, but it was hard to when he looked at me like that.

He got off the highway, and I looked at him sideways when I realized where we were at.

"Six Flags? I didn't peg you as a roller coaster type." I said, unable to hide my excitement. I knew it wasn't a very big park, but I loved roller coasters, and he couldn't have brought me to a better place.

"You like roller coasters right?" He asked.

"I love them." I smiled at him.

We parked and went into the park. It wasn't that crowded and everything was decorated for Halloween. People walked around in costumes and there were different haunted houses set up around the park. I couldn't stop looking around in wonder.

His hand shakily took mine, but I laced my fingers through his and attempted to hide the pink in my cheeks.

We walked straight towards the big coasters, and walked almost right onto the rides. Of course people recognized him and he was polite, but he was very attentive.

After a few hours of riding everything we could, we decided to stop for a snack.

"Are you having fun?" Patrick asked, taking a bite of his ice cream.

"I am actually having a lot of fun." I admitted, "I can't believe you brought me here. It's like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me."

"You must not know too many nice people. This is only the start of ideas I have for us." he said, giving me an odd look.

"Honestly, until I met you and some of the other guys, I didn't know anyone nice." I said, messing with my ice cream, sullen with the direction the conversation was taking.

It sucked having a sucky life. And I never had anyone in my life to explain things to.

"I can tell things have been hard for you, and if and when you are ready to tell me, I'll be here." he said, giving me a reassuring smile.

We finished our ice cream, and started walking around, tried to decide on what else to do.

"Oh my gosh, look at that cute stuffed animal." I said, pointing to a stuffed penguin hanging at a game stand.

I went to pull the little money I had out of my pocket to play for the stuffed animal, but Patrick pushed the money back into my pocket.

"I got you." He said, a cocky smile playing at his lips. And sure enough he won me the prize.

"You didn't have to do that." I said shyly.

"Of course." he said, handing over the animal.

Once it started getting dark, the haunted houses were starting to open.

"Let's go in this one." I said, attempting to pull him towards one.

"I'm good." he said, looking nervous.

"Come on. It'll be fun." I said, almost not even recognizing the sound of my positive voice.

"Fine." he said, the grip on my hand getting stronger.

We walked into the haunted house, and couldn't help but laugh as he jumped at the first small thing that jumped out.

"I hate haunted houses." he said, clearly scared.

"I'll go first. Don't worry. I got you." I said, trying to hide my amusement, but failing miserably. 

With every step we took, Patrick got closer to me. I could tell he was really scared, and I laughed the entire way through. He squeezed my hand tightly, but not enough to hurt me. Everything he did around me was so delicate, like he didn't want to hurt me. No one had ever treated me like that. 

Once we were done with that, my cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing at him. His eyes were wide from fear, but his grip had lessened and he gave me a little more room. 

"Can that be it for the haunted houses?" Kane asked, a hint of urgency in his voice. 

"Yes. That was fun. We can probably head home." I suggested. 

"Sounds good. I have to fly out tomorrow sometime so I better get home and pack up and get some rest." He said, leading me towards the front of the park. 

A yawn escaped my lips, and Patrick pulled me under his arm, and put his arm around me. I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my lips. 

I was giving in to him. And I couldn't help it. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now