Chapter Seven.

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It had been a few days since I had seen Patrick, Jonathan, or Charlie. They all had gone out of town for a couple games, and Charlie had taken the kids. I really wish I could have went, but they were visiting with some friends, and so I was stuck at home. It was nice to be spending some quality time with Mister Darcy, but Macy was unbearable. She kept whining about missing Brandon, and was still being a bitch to me about the game.

"Alice, you need to clean this fucking house. If you hadn't have been fucking around all weekend, it would have been clean." She screamed at me, causing Mister Darcy to whine.

"Can you quiet down please, he was sleeping." I said, motioning to Darcy.

"Fuck your ugly dog." She rolled her eyes.

"Get out Macy." I said, sternly.

"This is my apartment, you get out." She said, an evil look spreading across her face.

"Shut up Macy, just get out of my room." I said, getting angry.

"Get the fuck out of the apartment, before I kill your fucking dog." She screamed.

"You wouldn't dare." I said, clutching him to my chest.

"Stay, and find out." She said, grinning.

"Fine." I said, scooping him up, and grabbing a few things on my way out.

I ran down to my car, but just sat because I had no idea where to go. Mister Darcy climbed onto my lap, and curled into a ball, knowing just what to do to calm me down. I let out the few tears that were threatening to spill over, and then I was done. I sat there racking my brain over what I was going to do. I didn't have enough money. I didn't have family. I didn't have anything.

Breaking me out of my thoughts was my phone buzzing beside me.

"Hello?" I said, not bothering to look and see who it was.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Patrick asked, immediately sensing my tone.

"Macy was in a mood, and kicked me out." I said, quietly.

"What are you going to do?" He asked, concern apparent in his voice.

"I have no idea." I whispered into the phone. 


I had never felt lower in my life. 

After Macy kicked me out, Patrick tried to convince me to come stay at his place, but I managed to lie to him and make him think I was staying at an old friend's house. The truth, however, was that I was sleeping in my car, parking it in a small wooded area off a road near Jon and Charlie's house. 

I ignored phone calls from Patrick, and me and Mister Darcy hid out every night. I texted Macy a couple of times, but she hadn't budged yet. 

"Did you want to stay for dinner tonight?" Charlie asked, taking Zach out of my arms, as he was struggling to get to her. 

"No, I'm pretty tired, but thank you." I said, giving her a small smile. 

"Kaner's going to be here, and he's been whining about how much he misses you." She said, trying to get me to budge. 

"I've just been busy. It's weird staying at someone else's house." I lied through my teeth.

"I understand. Maybe next time." She said, sounding hopeful. 

I took Mister Darcy out to my car, and we made our way to our "home". I stopped and got some fast food, and then drove back to our secluded area. I ate my dinner, and then let Mister Darcy out to play for a little bit. Once he got tired, I made our bed in the back of my truck, and we laid down. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now