Chapter Twenty-Two.

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I sway slightly, my feet giving me away. I hadn't had much to drink, but enough to leave me more than loosened up. Dinner was amazing. I hadn't laughed like that in years, it felt nice to just loosen up. Sitting there and laughing with Charlie and Jon, catching up with coach, it was all just too wonderful. Patrick was being very affectionate as well, making sure that he was touching me at some point throughout the whole dinner. My skin was sensitive to his touch, making me blush every time he would run his hand on my thigh, or brush my cheek. I was so incredibly in love with this man, that I didn't know what to do with myself. 

The elevator dinged, and Patrick helped me inside, the slight smile he gave me, making me giggle. 

"Someone had fun tonight." Patrick grinned, pulling me into his arms. 

"I had the best time ever. Seriously." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck. 

He pulled me into a quick kiss, but I wasn't going to stop. I slid my tongue along his lips, and I could feel him groan into the kiss, before slipping his tongue in. My hands grasped at the hair at the back of his head, and he pulled me closed to him, his hand on the small of my back, making the distance between us microscopic. We continued our hurried make out session, until the ding of the elevator door brought us out of it. 

He took my hand and guided me down the hallway to our suite. I bit my lip as he opened the door, knowing where this night was going to take us. 

Once in the room, I pulled my hair down out of it's bun, and let my hair cascade down my back. I took off my heels, and threw them towards the suitcase I had been living out of since being down here. Patrick had already undressed out of his suit, wasting no time. He hated suits more than I hated dresses and heels. He pulled up a pair of basketball shorts, but left his shirt off so I could admire the view. 

"Baby, help?" I asked, turning my back to him, and pulling my hair to the side. 

Patrick stepped over to me, and placed a small kiss on my neck, before unzipping me. 

"Hey Patrick?" I said softly.

"Yes beautiful?" he replied, his fingers grazing my skin, sending chills down my spine. 

"Would you like to get in the jacuzzi with me?" I asked sweetly.

"Of course." He smiled. 

As I slipped out of my dress, Patrick went into the bathroom, and started to fill the bathtub. 

My heart was beating out of my chest, and I slipped off my dress, leaving me only in my bra and underwear. I took a deep breath, before joining Patrick in the bathroom. 

"No bubbles?" I questioned, grinning at him.

"But then how will I see that beautiful body of yours?" he smiled at me, giving me chills once more. 

Once the tub was full, Patrick turned on the jets, and it was time for us to get in. I had never been intimate like this with anyone in my life, and it was scaring me to death. 

"Hey, we don't have to do anything you don't want to. You know that right?" He asked, cupping my cheek gently. 

I nodded, not trusting my voice in this moment, before reaching back and unclasping my bra. He was my boyfriend who loved me, and I knew he was doing everything he could to make sure I was taken care of, happy, and safe. I could trust him. I had to. 

Once, my bra fell to the floor, I slowly took off my panties. 

As I stood there naked, I felt so exposed, yet so free. This was possibly the biggest step I had ever taken in regards to moving on from my past. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now