Chapter Nine.

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A giant lump formed in my throat as I sat on the couch next to Patrick, as he chatted away with my father. The sight was sickening, and the reason Macy wanted me home was more than obvious at this point. 

Mister Darcy could feel my tension, and was sitting on my lap trying to calm me down. I felt sick to my stomach as I watched this scene, but as far as Patrick knew, everything was normal. I had no intention of telling Patrick about my life and the reason that I hated my father. But I couldn't pretend that everything was okay, either. 

"Right Ali?" I heard my dad say, shaking me from my thoughts.

"What?" I said, with more of an attitude that I wanted Patrick to hear. 

"You were daddy's little girl. You would call me from sleepovers because you missed being at home." he said, bringing up a time when I was actually happy. 

"Sure." I said, shortly. 

I didn't want to play happy little family, not even in front of Patrick. Because happy was the last word that you could use to describe us. 

"So are you two together?" My dad asked. 

"Greg, stop." I warned.

"No. We're just friends for now. She's making me work for it." Patrick said, taking my hand and squeezing it gently. 

It was such a small gesture for him, but it meant so much to me. He was such a great guy. I could tell he was trying to impress my dad, even though it was the last person that he needed to make a good impression on. All the while, Macy sat next to my dad, looking like she had just won the lottery. She knew how uncomfortable I was, and nothing could make her happier. 

"Just wait until you meet Brandon, Daddy. He's so amazing. You're going to love him." She said, putting the attention on her, where she felt it belonged. 

This gave Patrick a chance to give me a look. 

"Are you okay?" he said, low enough so only I could hear him. 

I didn't respond, but instead shook my head no. This was enough for him. 

"Did you want to grab what you needed, so we can head home? I'm pretty tired." Patrick said, and I gave him a confused look. 

"I thought you were staying here tonight?" Macy said, an evil grin on her face. 

"We were going to have dinner together tonight, and she was going to stay at my house for a few more days, since I'm going out of town next weekend." Patrick lied for me. 

"Don't you want to visit with your dad?" She asked, trying to make me look bad, like I didn't care about my family. 

But I didn't. 

"Well we already made plans, and I shouldn't have to drop everything because someone comes into town." I said as sweetly as I could.

"I'm really sorry to steal her away, but I can't help myself." Patrick said, brushing his thumb over my cheek, causing me to blush. 

"Well I don't mind. Anyone who makes my Ali happy, makes me happy." My dad said. 

"Would you help me get my things?" I asked, trying to get Patrick away from my family.

"Absolutely." He said, taking Darcy off my lap, and following me to my bedroom, and closing the door behind me. "I'm not going to ask what's going on between you and your family, but I have a feeling that Macy did this on purpose."

It was amazing how he could read these situations, and how he would help me out of it. 

"I can't stand my father, which is the reason I live here." I said, sitting at the edge of my bed. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now