Final Chapter.

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Unpacking was even worse than packing. I was frustrated and tired and I didn't want to do this right now. But Patrick was on a road trip, and I was restless. We had moved in a few months ago, but I was just getting to the last stages of unpacking my things. For someone who didn't have much in this world, I was sure taking my time putting away the things I did have. I was unpacking my closest, when I pulled out my jersey. I smiled down at the last name that I now had as my own. 

Alice Kane. 

His signature scribbled across the number. I thought back to the moment he signed it. It's worth more like that he had said. I chuckled to myself as I hung it up, and grabbed the broken down boxes to take outside. 

I only made it about halfway when it started. 

I wasn't ready. It was too soon. 

But whether or not I like it it was happening. 

I grabbed my bag, and went out to my truck. I struggled to get up, but I made it, and drove as quickly as I could to the hospital. I packed my truck and tried to stay as calm as possible as I walked into the ER. 

They put me in a private room, and I took another deep breath before calling Patrick. His phone rang and rang, before going to voicemail. I noticed the time, before dialing Charlie's number. 

"Hey, game's going on. What's up?" She asked, and I could tell she was in the hallway for this game

"I'm in the hospital. It's happening." I giggled into the phone. 

"No. Oh my god. No. Okay. We're coming. He's coming. Oh my god." She said, before hanging up on me. I laughed to myself, and turned on the tv, to see if I could find his game.

It turned on just in time for me to see him play a shift, and then run straight into the locker room.

He was coming. 


The pain came in waves, but I was breathing through it. I was feeling increasingly lonely. I knew he was doing everything he could to get here, but I was worried it wasn't going to be in time. 

"Mrs. Kane, I know you're trying to wait this out, but the doctor is growing increasingly concerned-" The nurse came in trying to convince me again, but I held up my hand to stop her. 

"I understand, but my husband is on his way, and he would never forgive himself if he missed this." I insisted. "I know when I'll be ready, and I am not ready yet. Please respect my decision. If things get worse, I will discuss other options, but until then, please leave me be." 

She huffed, before retreating out the door, clearly more annoyed with me. 

Another few hours passed, and I knew I couldn't wait any longer. 

I buzzed in the nurse, and the look of relief when I told her I was ready was astounding. I thought she was going to cry. 

She stood by and held my hand, as I continued to concentrate on my breathing. I wished more than anything that Patrick could have been here, but this was our lives, and honestly I wouldn't change it for anything. 

"I'm here." Patrick said, bursting through the door. "Baby, I'm here." 

He came over to my side, and placed several kisses on my cheeks, forehead, and lips. I smiled up at him, and took his hand, and we continued on. 

A cry pierced the room, and I collapsed back fully onto the bed. 

"It's a girl." The doctor said. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now