Chapter Two.

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"What was with all the flirting with Brandon's friend?" Macy asked, as soon as she closed the front door, and I rolled my eyes.

"It wasn't flirting. He saw me blow off this guy last night, and tried hitting on me, but I wouldn't give him my number. And as luck would have it, he's your hook up's friend." I said, grabbing my book once more, impressed that he had managed to keep my spot, and sitting cross legged in my reading nook.

"That is not luck, sweetie." She said, pouring a cup of coffee for herself, "That is fate."

I ignored her look, as she walked back to her room, and I resumed reading.

It was mid afternoon, and I still had yet to get out of my pajamas. It was a terrible habit, but I had no where to be, and was proud of it.

When my phone rang out of no where, I was almost to lazy to answer it, but I decided to do one productive thing on my day off, and answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answered, trying to sound like I wasn't laying in bed on a Saturday afternoon.

"Hi, is this Alice?" The person on line asked.

"This is." I answered.

"Hi, my name is Charlie. I got your name and number from a family you had nannied for, the Clarks?"

"Yes. They have the sweetest twin boys."

"They said you came highly recommended. She raved on and on about how good you were with her kids, and how much her kids loved you. Anyways, I was going to actually go back to work soon, and was looking for someone to help out. She wouldn't stop talking about you so you must be good and I thought I would boldly ask if you wanted to be our new nanny."

"I have a few questions first, of course." I said, trying to hide my excitement.

I loved kids, and being a nanny was one of my favorite things to do. I was heartbroken when Mrs. Clark decided she wanted to be a stay at home mom.

"Oh, yes. Of course." Charlie said, "I'm really new to this."

"A few of the basics are how many kids would it be, and what are their ages?" I asked.

"Maddie Mae, and Zach. They're twins, and they just turned two."

"Where do you live?" I asked, taking notes on a small pad of paper.

"We live out in the suburbs, and we will compensate you for the drive."

"What hours would you need me for?"

"It's a really odd schedule, but nothing too late. Latest would be like midnight, and it's kind of a seasonal job, but if we like you, we may you use more than just seasonal." She explained.

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