Chapter Twenty-Four.

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Being back in Chicago was the best feeling I had ever had. I finally felt like I actually had a home. I had decided to spring on some personal belongings, more so than just the few things that I actually had at Patrick's, and more like things I could keep. Upon doing so, however, I realized something of importance.

Did Patrick actually want me living with him? 

Of course he had said I could stay with him, but we never talked about anything long term. Over my dead body was I going back to Macy's and I really didn't think I could afford anything in the city, and I really wanted to be close to Patrick. 

My hands shook as I stirred the soup I was serving up for dinner. I had decided I was going to ask what he wanted me to do about a place to live. I had tried to mentally prepare myself if he were to say no. 

I no longer doubted how Patrick felt about me, but we had been together less than a year. I couldn't just assume that me moving in with him way okay by any means. 

The front door opened, and I forced the smile on my face, as he came over and kissed me.

"Hello beautiful." He smiled at me. 

"Hi babe." I spoke softly, turning back to add some salt to the soup. 

"How was your night?" He asked, sitting up at the breakfast bar.

"It was good. Did some cleaning and laundry." I explained, getting some bowls and spoons out. "How was the meeting?"

"Fine. Same shit different day. We need to head to the airport a little early this weekend." He said casually.

The simplicity of our life since the trial was incredible. It was as if we were a normal couple talking about weekend plans, and not like a world class athlete and his girlfriend. I loved it. 

"Sounds good." I served him up dinner, and sat up next to him. 

He scarfed down his food, and I couldn't help grin at him. 

"What?" He asked, feeling my gaze on him. 

"Nothing. You're just cute." I smiled. 

"Love you." He shook his head, and chuckled.

"So I wanted to ask you something." I said, stirring my barely touched soup. 

"What's up?" He asked, reading my body language easily. 

"How do you feel about me living with you?" I asked, my voice shaking. 

"I love it babe. Getting to sleep with you every night, have random lazy days together, riding to games together. I'm very happy. Why?" He asked nervously.

"I guess I just wanted to know if you wanted me to keep living with you, or if you wanted me to find my own place." His face dropped, but I continued. "I just..I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me I need my own place, or are worried that I can't afford it but I can figure it out. I just don't want to assume that it's okay because we haven't been together that long and-"

The end of my rambling speech was cut off by him pressing his lips to mine. I melted away at the contact. Every kiss was like my first with him. The butterflies, my heart skipping a beat, everything. 

"Baby, would you please move in with me?" He asked, pulling away. 

I gave him an odd look, despite the wide smile that was on his face.

"But I already live with-" I said, but he cut me off once more with a kiss.

"Please move in with me?" He asked once more.

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now