Chapter Twenty-Three.

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Patrick's POV


I bounced on the balls of my feet. She should have been here by now. Her plane had landed, and she was supposed to call me from the car, but here I sat, waiting on a phone call. 

"Dude, chill. She'll make it. Charlie is at the airport and she's bring her right over once she gets here." Tazer assured me, but I was barely listening. 

I needed her here. She calmed me down. Whenever I would get anxiety before games or before interviews, just knowing that she was there with me always made me feel better. 

We both agreed that she would wait and tell me the results until she was here, but I was starting to second guess that decision. What if he was found not guilty? What if he attacked her? What if she went back to her pills?

My anxiety was at an all time high. If I wasn't dressed and ready for the game, then I would already be on my way to the airport to figure out where she was. 

Unfortunately, the game started before she got there, and I was more than distracted. My shots weren't going where they should, my passes weren't connecting, and defense was sorely lacking. I was frustrated at my game and the fact that I had no control over when Alice was going to get here.

"Kaner, focus the fuck up!" Kruger yelled at me after an especially bad shift. 

I shook my head, and tried to ignore him. I had to believe Alice was fine, and that everything was okay. But obviously it was easier said than done. 

After the second period was over, we headed back to the locker room. We knew this game would be close, but with me not performing at my  top level all game, we were down by two, which is not where we wanted to be. All I hoped was that Charlie would be back in the locker room, but of course she wasn't. 

Where the hell was my girlfriend?!


Alice's POV


When Charlie saw me at baggage claim, the look on her face was a mix of worry, confusion, and anger. 

Worry because obviously I didn't show up when I should have, obvious confusion about the cast, and anger, because obviously I didn't call her. I felt awful, but I have no regrets about anything that had happened. 

"Hey." I smiled at her, pulling her into a hug whether or not she wanted it, because I did. I was so entirely grateful to have her in my life.

"What the hell, Alice? You weren't on the first plane and you show up with a cast on the same arm you just broke a few months ago." Charlie growled, cutting our hug short.

"I know, I know. I promise I will explain everything, can we please just get to the rink. I want to see Patrick." I smiled, so excited to be in the same state as him again. 

We grabbed my suitcase, and walked out to the car, my nerves making me jittery every step of the way. 

The drive to the arena took far too long, and I knew I had missed the game. I hoped that Patrick wasn't doing anything stupid, but knowing him that may have been a stretch. I chewed what was left of my fingernails down, and tried not to focus on anything negative. 

I had no clue how far away from the arena we were, but we were starting to get close to the city, so I was hoping it was close.

I physically jumped when Charlie's phone rang. 

"Hey babe. Yeah, we're finally on our way to the arena." She said into her phone, giving me a pointed look. "So you want us to just meet you at the hotel? And Kaner is okay? Okay. I love you, too. Bye" 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now