Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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Patrick's Point Of View

Getting shit from the guys was nothing new, but they did take it a little easier on me since Alice was pregnant. Jon had started giving me advice since I told him that she was pregnant, and the advice had come in handy so far. 

But I couldn't believe I was going to be a father. 

When Charlie had Zac and Maddie, I didn't think I could love anyone more than that, but my own child was definitely going to change that. I didn't know what I wanted more, a little boy or a little girl. 

I should have headed home sooner, but we had a drink after interviews, and then a few of the Cubs showed up, and of course I had to have one more. But this wasn't my priority anymore. 

She was. 

I took a cab home, and tipped the driver. As I walked out of the building, I did a double take. It almost looked like Macy. 

I went to unlock the apartment door, but it was unlocked already. My heart began to race, this wasn't normal. Alice always locked the door. She said she was paranoid of unlocked doors ever since what happened to her as a child, so something was up.

"Alice?" I called out, once I got in. 

Her laptop was propped open on the counter with her phone next to it and an empty bowl. 

Panic set in when she didn't answer. 

Alice?" I yelled again, only louder. 

I checked the bedrooms, then finally the bathrooms. She was in the second bathroom I checked. Her body was limp and she looked pale. 

I dropped to the floor, and tried to shake her away. My voice broke as the tears started. I quickly dialed 911 as she started foaming at the mouth. I screamed incoherent sentences to the dispatcher, and urged them to come quickly.

I was losing her. I couldn't lose her. 

I couldn't lose them. 

The paramedics had to pry me off of her when they got there. I just didn't want her to be alone. 

I couldn't tell them what was wrong with her, I had no clue. But I did know who did it. 



Alice's Point Of View

I didn't think there would be this much pain with death. There was no life flashing before my eyes, just darkness. 

And beeping?

As my eyes opened, the light hit me, and my head pounded. I looked around, and took my surrounding. A hospital.

I wasn't dead. 

Patrick was asleep in what looked to be a very uncomfortable position, holding my hand. I was scared to look down, and see if my small bump was still there or not. My small movements quickly woke Patrick, and his eyes glossed over as they looked into mine. 

"Baby." He said, the tears falling down his cheeks, as he leaned his head onto my hand. 

I remembered clearly what happened, and I can't imagine what he was thinking I did. 

"I didn't-" I started, my voice cracking, my throat dry. 

"Don't say anything. We'll talk. Let's just get the Doctor in here first okay." 

His hand shook as he hit the call button for the nurse, and once she was in there, he explained that we needed to see the Doctor. 

I racked my brain trying to remember every detail about what happened, but the harder I thought about it, the worse my head hurt. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now