Chapter Five.

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The shock of the cold beer, and the looks from people around me were too much, but I was stuck in my seat. I hadn't felt this out of control in years, and I wanted to disappear into myself.

Security was there in seconds, but the girls didn't care about being kicked out. They laughed the entire way out.

Charlie rushed down to me once she saw them leaving.

"Oh my God. Are you okay?" She asked, concern filling her voice and showing through to her face.

I couldn't find my words, but shook my head.

She took my hand, and I followed her out of the arena, and back to where the locker rooms were.

"I don't want to see anyone, please." I begged, tears filling my eyes.

"Hun, no I wouldn't do that to you. There's a private bathroom and shower for my office, for me. It's super clean, and I have a change of clothes for you." She explained.

I relaxed, and followed her to her office. She gave me the change of clothes, and some privacy.

I stripped out of my soaking clothes, and threw them off to the side, and stepped into the too hot shower. The water was burning my skin, and normally it would be too much for me, but I was too numb to feel anything.

I had accepted a long time ago that I was just going to be the kind of person that would be bullied. People wouldn't be nice to me no matter what I did, and so I just accepted it. I never fought back. There wasn't a point.

I backed up to the wall, and let myself collapse to the ground. The tears began to fall and I left all my emotions on the floor of the shower.

I washed up, and the tears ceased. I got out and changed into the clothes Charlie had left for me. Surprisingly, we wore about the same size. I put my hair up into a wet, messy bun, and walked back out to meet Charlie. She smiled at my sympathetically, and I hated that feeling.

"Are you feeling a little better?" She asked.

"Yeah." I said, lying to her through my teeth.

"Do you want to go back out to watch the rest of the game?" She asked, nervously.

"I'd rather not go back out there." I said, quietly.

"That's fine. I'll watch the rest of the game, and say bye to Jon, and I can either take you home, or take you back to your car." She offered.

"Thanks Charlie." I said, offering up a small smile.

She left me to myself in her office. Her office was really nice. A small loveseat sat in the corner of her office, is where I took my place.

My thoughts instantly went to the small baggie of pills sitting in my purse. I hadn't taken any of them since I had met Patrick, or gotten my new job. And yet, a moment of pain brought it all back. The thought of how quickly all of the good things that I had going for me would end, but the pull was there. And it was strong. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now