Chapter Ten.

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Patrick and I had been together now for four months, and honestly it felt like the quickest four months of my life.

Also some of the best I had ever experienced.

He was so understanding, and patient with all of my highs and lows. He was incredible. Charlie felt bad for me having to watch the kids when we were becoming such close friends, that she helped me get a job with her with the team as her assistant. The kids got a new nanny, and I still got to see them as much as I wanted to. Things were on the verge of being perfect.

Except Macy. She had viciously dumped Brandon one day out of the blue, to start dating another guy, on a rival team. His name was Justin and he played for the Detroit Red Wings, and honestly I didn't even know how she met him. Brandon, fortunately, got over her quickly, and moved on to a much nicer girl.

I was still living with her, technically, so that I could keep my own secrets, and not have to worry about her telling Patrick things that I wasn't ready to bring up yet.

Hands waving in front of my face brought me out of my own world, and back into reality.

I took my headphones off, and smiled up at my very handsome boyfriend.

"We have to get going, I'm going to be late again." He said, looking almost worried.

"Don't even try and blame that on me. I've been ready for an hour." I said, standing up, and wrapping my arms around his neck.

"But they like you, so if I blame being late on you, I'm more likely able to get away with it." He smiled his megawatt smile at me.

"No one is going to believe that, and you know it." I said, leaving a small kiss on the tip of his nose, and dropping my arms.

I felt his strong arms quickly wrap around me, and pull me back into his chest.

"You look beautiful." He said, quietly into my ear, bringing an involuntary smile to my face.

I was wearing a sweater over my t-shirt jersey, and some skinny jeans with some brown boots. My long brown locks were curled into nice ringlets. I had simple make up on, and for once, I really did feel beautiful.


"Well if it isn't my favorite assistant." Charlie smiled at me as I walked into the office.

"Hey Chuck. What's on the agenda tonight?" I asked, putting my backpack on the desk.

We were flying out after the game tonight, for a game in Buffalo. Patrick was more than excited to be going home, but I was nervous. I had met his dad already, and he loved me. But now I had to meet his mom and sisters.

"We just have to prep the last couple things to go tonight, and then you'll be on stretches during intermissions." She said, packing up some things into the travel bags.

Charlie reassured me that they would all love me as we finished packing. Despite all of the reassurances, it still didn't make me feel any better. But I tried to push that all aside and finished up packing up what we needed. I left Charlie in the office, and made my way to the locker room to make sure I had everything I needed for the game.

"Hey there stranger. How are you doing?" Rundblad said as I approached the locker room.

"Hey! I'm good. Great game the other night." I smiled at him.

"Thanks. Are you still with Kaner?" He asked, with a wink.

"Yep. Still going strong." I said, half tempted to roll my eyes at his semi-obnoxious flirtation.

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now