Chapter Three.

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My first week of work flew by, and I was really loving it. Jon and Charlie were really laid back about everything, and the kids were wonderful. And Patrick had been good, and only had texted me a couple of times.

Things between Macy and Brandon were heating up quickly, and I felt bad for Brandon. Macy was my sister, but I knew how she could be with guys, and he was such a sweet guy.

I had just gotten done putting the kids to bed, and sat down in the living room.

I heard the garage door open, and began to pack up my things.

"Hey Alice." Jon said, walking in. "How were the kids today?"

"They were perfect." I smiled at him.

"Thanks again. I think Charlie is going to pay you tomorrow." he said, and I swung my purse over my shoulder.

"Sounds good. See you tomorrow!" I said. I walked out to my car, and made my way home.

The nanny job was nice because I made more in one week, than I did in two weeks working two jobs.

I had just hit the toll road, when I got a call. Without looking, I answered it.

"Hello?" I said, answering it.

"Alice. How are you tonight?" Patrick said, and I hated the smile that came to my lips at the sound of his voice.

"I'm good. Just driving home. What do you need?" I asked.

"Well, first of all I wanted to warn you, Saader was on his way to your apartment, and it sounded like your sister had some plan for them, so you may not want to go home for a few hours." He warned, and I rolled my eyes.

"Ew." I said.

"So I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner. As friends." He offered.

"You know I would love to say no, but you warned me about my slut of a sister, so I guess I can't say no." I sighed.

"I'll text you my address, and I can drive us, if you want." he said, sounding slightly nervous.

"Fine. Text to to me. I'm coming from work, so I'll be there in a little bit."

I drove the rest of the way to his place, and was shocked at how close he lived to me. It was only about 6 blocks away. I made my way up, and found his apartment quickly. I knocked and waited for him to answer.

"Hey!" He said, opening the door. "Did you dress up for me or something?"

He opened the door for me, and left a small peck on my cheek, and I ignored the feeling in my stomach when we touched.

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now