Chapter Eighteen.

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"You know I get nervous in crowds." I warned, my stomach already churning even thinking about heading to this event. 

We were flying  to Nashville to go to the All Star game, and that meant a lot of events, and meeting new people. Charlie and Jon were staying home because the kids were sick, so it was just Patrick and I, which was a first. Needless to say, I was nervous all around. 

"I'm just glad you're more used to flying now." He laughed, grabbing my carry on out from the overhead compartment. 

"Ugh." I moaned, clutching my stomach. 

"You'll be great babe. Don't worry." He said, placing his hand on the small of my back, and rubbed small circles, relaxing me almost instantly. 

Patrick and I hadn't officially gotten back together, but we were together. I hadn't ever had a relationship, so I didn't know how this kind of thing worked. But I hadn't been back to my apartment since everything happened with Macy and Mr. Darcy, and there wasn't really any reason for me to go back. Patrick got me new clothes, and I could always buy new books. There was nothing from my childhood that I really wanted. I had all I needed with Patrick. 

Security ushered us out of the airport, and into a blacked out SUV. We were headed straight to his press conferences, then to a quick dinner, before the first night of events. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I was really comfortable with my Blackhawks family, and to have to try and meet all of these new people, was just not my cup of tea. But I knew Patrick knew this, and he promised not to overwhelm me. 

"Hey," Patrick said, taking my hand in his, and gently turning my head to face him. "Just have fun with me. It's a nice weekend away. We really need this." 

He placed a gentle kiss on the top of my hand, which only slightly eased my nerves. 

"Okay." I said, scooting closer to him, and resting my head on his shoulder. He left a small kiss on my forehead, and my heart fluttered. 

It was in that moment that I decided. I was going to tell him everything. About my dad, about my uncle, everything. As much as it hurt to make that decision, I needed to do it. 

Because I was so madly in love with him. 


His smile was so infectious. He would never give them his full toothy smile, that made me melt, but he did this grin. The grin where he had more to say, but this is all that he would. I knew that smile well. As shy as he was, he really wasn't that bad with the media. The group around his booth was bigger than some of the others, but from what I had learned about the hockey world, even being recognized as an "all star" didn't make you nearly as important as others. And Patrick was kinda the top of it all. 

This shy, handsome man, that had worked his way into my heart, was this huge star, and yet, without saying it I knew he loved me. We had hardly been together any time at all, or even known each other, and yet, we had been through hell and back. But it all seemed trivial when I looked at him. 

"Is that it?" I asked, perking up, and he walked over to me, and throwing his arm over my shoulder. 

"Yes. Now how about we ditch their stupid dinner, and grab dinner just the two of us." He smirked at me.

"Sounds perfect." I smiled back. 

Patrick, having been to Nashville a few billion times, took us to a restaurant similar to our favorite restaurant in Chicago. Dark lighting, lots of candles, and delicious Italian food. 

"So how are you doing so far." he asked, once the waitress had taken our order. She had tried her very best to flirt with him, but he barely glanced her way. His eyes only focused on me. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now