Chapter Nineteen.

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Okay, so this chapter has very sensitive subject matter, and if you do not think you can handle it, then please skip forward. Trigger warning!!


My eyes fluttered open, and I was in the same position I had been when I rested in here this morning, my legs intertwined with Patrick's and my head laid on his chest. The nice thing about the all star weekend, was the couple day break afterwards. I had not yet told Patrick about my past, but at this point, things were going so perfect, why ruin it? 

Patrick stirred, clearly waking from his own nap. I lifted my head to see his eyes open. 

"Hey beautiful." He smiled down at me. 

"Hey." I said quietly. 

"I was wondering, would you like to do something fun tonight?" he asked, a look of excitement in his eyes. 

"Sure. You know I'm always down for an adventure." I smiled at him, and he gave me a knowing look. And I rolled my eyes. "Okay not always, but you know what I mean."

I got up and went and showered. I put on light make-up and did up my hair with my curling wand, creating a look of loose beach curls. I threw on a lacy top, and some skinny jeans with my favorite boots. The weirdest part of my life since I met Patrick was my self confidence. I knew that I was enough for Patrick, that I was worth the time and effort that he was putting into me. The care he had for me was real. And I deserved it. 

I walked out into the foyer, and Patrick stood there, handsome as ever. He had his hair cut short, the way he knew I liked it. He was a button down shirt, and some dress pants with a black sport coat. He turned to face me, and his jaw dropped. 

My cheeks blushed up, and I saw the pride in his eyes as he checked me out.

"You just" He smiled at me, stepping towards me. 

"Thank you." I smiled back, wrapped my arms around his neck. 

He pulled me closer, placing a firm hand on the small of my back, and pulling me in closer. He leaned in, and gently placed his lips on mine, kissing me softly. 

Oh how I loved this man. 

"Are you ready?" He asked, pulling away from me breathlessly. 

I nodded at him, and laced my fingers through his. We made our way down to his truck, and like the gentleman he was, he helped me into the truck, and we were on our way. 

"So where are we headed?" I asked, already knowing the answer, but giving it a shot anyways.

All he did was look at me, and I rolled my eyes, and he grinned. 

The ride was comfortable silent, the music was on low, and it was just 

We pulled into a marina, and I gave him a look.

"A boat ride?" I questioned, excitedly. 

"And some dinner. Is that okay?" He asked, looking a little nervous.

"It's perfect." I grinned at him.

Once on the boat, Patrick told me that we were going to go down the river, then out onto the lake for a little bit. 

We went and sat on the bow of the boat, a large blanket covering us from the cold wind. 

"You know this is really sweet of you. How did you think of this?" I smiled up at him. His arm was around me, and he had pulled me closed into him. 

"Don't you remember me telling you when we went to Six Flags that I had plans for us? Well..." He explained, and I thought back to that amazingly fun day we had, and how that day felt like a million years ago. 

Our Time Now. [Patrick Kane][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now