The Isekai Begins

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Today was a very calm day for you, nothing was really happening. This meant it was a perfect opportunity to rewatch your favorite little gay monkey show.

Lego Monkie Kid was a show you often rewatched whenever you were bored. It was not only great background noise, but it had amazing animation and you really related to the main crew. Even the villains had great writing and stories you could relate and empathize with. None of your friends shared your interest in the show so you normally watched it by yourself, snuggled up in blankets and eating snacks.

You weren't lonely or anything, you just had a habit of staying up late at night by yourself and watching random stuff. Nothing in your life was outstanding, but none of it was horrible either. Life was a perfect balance of mediocrity for you.

The sounds of screaming coming from your TV brought your attention back to the show you were watching. 'I always hated this part. Spider Queen deserved so much better. I wish there was a way Spider Queen could have survived. Was there always this much screaming in this scene ?' . Something about the animation was also changed.

The characters began seeming more life-like, expressive. 'Why does it seem like Lady Bone Demon is staring right at me? I could have sworn this scene was shorter too. What the Hell? I think I'm getting a bit too sleep deprived...'

A chill went straight through your body as the room went cold. The blanket covering your legs felt as thin as a sheet as all warmth left your body. A soothing voice began speaking to you from the unknown, but you could only catch a few of the words they said. Emotions were running wild in your body.

"You said you wished~"

And now you are falling.

Into a seemingly endless void.


'For fucks sake, my head hurts like hell That was a crazy dream l just had. Remind me to not eat so many snacks next time.' you lifted yourself onto your elbows to look around my room. your room? THIS WASN'T YOUR ROOM. This room isn't anywhere close to your room? Where's the organized mess? The collection of random shit? your prized possessions? This room looks like it belonged to an old man. There's newspapers and old textbooks lying everywhere. It was way more organized than your normal room, that's for sure.

Even the blankets on the bed were plain and white. 'Was I kidnapped by a grandpa?!?!'


That certainly wasn't the noise you were expecting to hear when you stumbled out of bed. You walk out of the room with uncertainty, looking around for your suspected kidnapper. It looks like there's absolutely nobody in this house besides you.

'How the hell did I even appear here if there's no kidnapper in sight? Did I get super drunk and break into someone's house?' The house seemed to carry a theme of old books and antique items on every shelf. There was barely any color anywhere in sight. A small notebook lies on the kitchen table, sitting next to an empty cup of coffee and a half-eaten sandwich. Inside of the notebook seemed to be a half-written letter to someone. The name of the person was crossed out and the writing was frantic. Everything in the letter was normal up until the last sentence.

-I just wish I were in a different world-

Then the writing just stopped. The scariest thing to you was that the ink from the pen seemed to still be fresh. Said pen was lying abandoned next to the paper, spilling ink onto the table. 'This is really starting to freak me out'

you began to think back to the dream you had; it seemed a bit too realistic to be a dream now that you realize. The voice you heard had mentioned a wish. Wishes would seem to be a prevalent topic for you today. If the ink from the pen was still fresh, and there wasn't anyone in sight in this house... Could it have been possible you were swapped? Maybe you both made a wish at the same time and suddenly POOF, you swapped?

Letters | Gender Nuetral Reader x Lego Monkie Kid (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now