Mares of the Night

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Nightmares were not extremely common occurrences for you, but they have increased since everything had been going haywire in your life.

You were running through a forest yet again. This environment was very reminiscent of when Lady Bone Demon made her grand appearance. Trees whipped past your tiring legs. A loud heartbeat was very apparent throughout your entire body.

"(Y/N) why DiD yOu lEaVe uSss? We OnlY waNtEd to HeLp! You'RE bEinG SelFIsh!"

Your mother's voice echoed around the foliage. The noise of her weeping began to haunt you the farther you ran.

A small part of your consciousness snapped into reality, leading you into lucidity. You were still stuck in the dream, but now you had the ability to turn and look behind you. A small part of yourself regretted that decision, sometimes things are better to be left in the dark.

Mangled hands reached out from the unknown darkness, attempting to drag you farther into the forest. On the opposite side of the hands was a small light which flickered with a glimpse of hope. Determination rushed through your veins as you ran towards the light.

Gnarled up hands began reaching out from underneath the trees, acting as roots for them.

You took a grand leap with your hand reaching towards the small flame.

Hands continued to reach for you when you saw the flames turn into the shape of horns, then darkness overcame your vision.


You were immediately disturbed by the noises of people talking in your room, specifically two very familiar voices. A hand kept poking you in the ribs as you remained still in the hospital bed, clutching your fluffy spider plushy.

'For the love of God, say this is a part of the dream. How the hell would Yin and Jin get in here in the first place? I must be hallucinating or having a fever dream as a post symptom of LBD's possession.'

"Yah think they're dead? I don't think humans are meant to stop moving or else they die!"

"That's a myth about sharks, dumbass, they're obviously photosynthesizing like other humans do on the beach all the time!"

"Photo-sympathizing? Isn't that the thing when you feel bad for someone?"

With both of their voices melding together in your tired brain, it was hard to differentiate between the two demons. Your hands instinctively made their way up to block your ears from the overwhelming appearance of voices.

You thought back to the night before, prior to the crazy dreams and all. The feeling of weight ghosted around your legs, as if someone had been laying there. Macaque was the first one who came to mind.

It could have been your imagination, but you swore he curled up at the end of the bed after you had fallen asleep. Maybe he was keeping watch for Lady Bone Demon.

"Ay!!! They moved! That means they aren't dead! We succeeded at our jobs!" Yin shouted out in rejoice as you rubbed your tired eyes.

You mumbled out croakily, "Jobs?"

The demons saw you lifting yourself off of the bed and pushed you back down. "Yes, jobs. We were instructed to watch over you as you healed. It's a job of the highest honor since you're super strong." Jin proclaimed before getting interrupted by Yin.

" Yeah! You fought off that crazy strong demon who possessed you!!! I haven't ever seen someone fight off a possession without outside assistance, yet alone a human."

It must have been Macaque's doing to command these two to stay in this hospital room. How the hell have they gotten away with fighting each other in this room anyways? Couldn't the entire building hear them at this point?

The room was filled with more chatter from the two brothers. Any time you tried to get out of the bed they gently shoved you back onto it, despite your protests.

You were slowly getting annoyed at this entire scuffle. "Fine, if I'm not allowed to get up out of bed, could you guys at least get me some food? Possibly not hospital food since I think they poison that shit."

"POISON?!?!" The blue demon shouted very loudly.

"I forgot you guys took way too many things literally. Not literal poison, I just don't like the food here. The last time I ate their green beans, I wanted to barf and shit my guts out at the same time."

"Jin, you go on an adventure for some suitable human food. I will keep watch for the bone demon!" Yin raised his voice once again.

As Jin walked through the door, a familiar nurse began to walk in.

Robin didn't even bat an eye at the demon passing by, as if it were a normal occurrence. "Hello (Y/N)! I just need to check up on you really quick. Could you tell your demon friend to leave the room? Patient confidentiality is my top priority at the moment with this situation."

Yin blinked his eyes in a frazzled manor as you pointed towards the door, shouting, "I'm meant to stand guard! I can't leave."

"You can stand guard outside of the room, I need to talk to the nurse about... boring human stuff."

He protested a bit more until Robin gracefully shoved him outside and slammed the door. "Those demons... I made an agreement with Macaque so I should have assumed more strange people would follow behind. Well, at least we're alone now (Y/N). I have some very important information we've gathered from your blood tests."

The nurse pulled out a clipboard which was clipped to their waistband with elastic. Papers were weighing it down, each of them with different colored graphs.

"As you know from my prior statement, I've worked with Macaque before. He urged me to run all of my medical tests on you, including ones commonly used on demons. I wasn't expecting anything to pop up on those tests, but these results are just peculiar."

They pointed at a diagram of two lines, both sharply spiked upwards at the same time.

"These two lines represent levels of magic in your bloodstream and your heartbeat. A normal human has a very miniscule amount of magic in their entire body, this can obviously change when being exposed to high concentrations of magic. Your heartbeat seems to miraculously control your source of magic."

Robin flipped the page to a blood test. Multiple percentages were listed with various amounts of question marks.

"We began these later tests when you were in the middle of a nightmare, a perfect scenario to witness the effects of a high heartbeat on you. When observing your blood's magic, I took a sample of it to compare the magic to other creatures in our database. When you reached the peak bpm, no other creature was even comparable to this power."

'What happens if they find out I'm not even from this world? What if I mumbled out something when I had my nightmare? This could be really bad.'

"The reason mortals have no large concentrations of magic is because there is no way for them to form it into energy, like demons and their counterparts. Your existence is a walking contradiction, and I can't find any answers to how or why your body works as it does. This leads to my final question, (Y/N)."

The nurse leaned in further, prolonging your eye contact.

"Who are you?"


I'm so sorry for not updating the past two weeks!!! It was a giant mix of procrastination and the holidays taking up a ton of my schedule. I'm super glad for all of the contributions you guys have given me for ideas. I'm going to delete the chapter asking for advice, but I'll compile all of the comment on a document so I can review the criticism!!! I love you guys so much; without supporters I wouldn't have continued to write this story, mostly because I would feel nobody was seeing it. Sorry for being so gushy, have a nice day guys!!!

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