Green Beans

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"Please take it slow, you just had one of the highest temperatures we've ever seen in this hospital. All of us thought you were done for, it's a miracle you woke up.", The nurse in front of you was rapidly filing through documents.

They had a stack of papers which all stated different statistics they gathered when you were under possession. A paper with your temperature was placed on your bedside table. You've never been in this hospital before, it was insanely cold.

The nurse in front of you stopped and shook their head, " Oh! Pardon me, I never even introduced myself. I just got way too distracted when you woke up. My name's Robin, I'm one of the main nurses in this establishment. Don't worry about medical bills or anything, your friends paid for everything already."

Robin was pretty short, around 5'2. They had brown eyes and a black undercut. Their uniform was a bit messy, seemingly put on in a hurry since one of the buttons was misplaced on their coat.

"Oh, um. I'm (Y/N)?"

"Hi (Y/N)! I already knew your name from your extensive medical documents, but it's nice to have a formal introduction.", They were oddly chipper.

"When will I get released?", There was no real way for you to address the overarching problem of an evil demon being released into the hospital. You didn't want to involve an innocent nurse in this whole fiasco.

"You'll be released in a day or two, we need to watch over you and make sure nothing goes wrong again. In the meantime, your friends gave you a few things to keep you occupied!"Robin hands you a small cardboard box with some cartoon doodles on it.

The box was taped up with spider themed washi tape. When you opened it up, there were a few things you weren't expecting. A large coloring book was placed in the middle, on top of it was a 64-pack of crayons...

Why the hell did they give you crayons??!!

A few snacks were packed into the box too, including pocky and a bag of Macaque themed chips. Lastly, there was a small spider stuffed animal which was your favorite color. Small sunglasses were found underneath it.

Robin was looking over at the box and snickering.

"Did you know they gave me a coloring book?", You asked them and held it up. The book was entirely cat themed.

"I had to check the items before I gave you the box, need to make sure nobody is giving the patients drugs or anything. I put the washi tape back on though. Spider sunglasses are from me."

You sighed and plopped your head back onto the sad hospital pillow. A growl sounded from your stomach which filled the entire room embarrassingly. Your nurse remembered something," I need to get you some food from the cafeteria, be warned its not the nicest."

Robin left you alone with your own thoughts.

Your life had gotten so complicated so fast, dealing with possession and the threat of the end of the world. Now you were stuck with the inability to do anything, laying in a hospital bed. Where is LBD now? She must have escaped and possessed a new vessel already, one not fortunate enough to escape her.

Your bed wasn't very comfortable, but it was nice enough to let you doze off while waiting for the food.

*knock knock knock*

Pleasant, you drooled all over your pillow. Robin walks into the room carrying a medium-sized plastic container and a plastic cup filled with water. They hand it over and you sniff your food. The bread and the mashed potatoes smelt normal but there was a side of green beans which were absolutely disgusting.

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