Letter Three, Shadows

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Mk was late to work today and Pigsy was fuming. It's been a few days since the Spider Queen encounter so it would make sense if it were now the Calabash episode. You decided to leave MK to solve this problem himself since you can't play God for everything.

If MK is still missing even after you deliver the last letter to Macaque, you'll play hero and yell at the twin demons to let him go.

Pigsy spent the entire morning talking about docking MK's pay or making him work as a janitor for the next week. Tang didn't care at all about his ranting.

After checking in on the noodle shop, you grab your phone and search up the location of the shadow theater. There were very few reviews, all of them positive. One of them did say the puppets "gave them the creeps". 'Definitely Macaque'

Your bag was barren, only holding the letter, a cloak you were going to wear when delivering the letter, and your leather wallet. Maybe you'll do some more shopping after MK is confirmed safe.

The path to the shadow theater was very out of the way, the path slowly became more and more dark. Trees are losing their leaves and the grass hasn't been cut seemingly in years. Major villain lair vibes were exuding from the place.

You walk up to the building and take in its appearance. Wooden beams were snapping off of the front porche's ceiling.

The paint was chipping and if you didn't hear the sound of a person inside, you would have assumed it was closed indefinitely. 'Why does he even have a guy working here? I feel like it would be annoying having to pay someone.'

You take a moment to shimmy on the cloak, making sure it obscures your face, before walking in. By the look on his face, the poor kid at the cash register must have thought you were going to rob him. You hand the letter to him with a gloved hand and turn to leave.

He seems too scared and confused to say anything as you leave. 'Maybe the cloak was a bit too much... Better safe than sorry, I don't want any evil shadow monkeys hunting me down any time soon.'

For the remainder of the walk back to Pigsy's, you kept on the cloak. When you reached the shop, you took it off and shoved it into the bag at your side.

Pigsy was still pacing around angrily as he cooked meals for the customers inside. Tang fell asleep on the counter, right next to his bowl of noodles. He was snoring so loud that all of the paying customers sat as far as they could away from him.

"Hey Pigsy! Has MK returned yet?", You ask him, pretending to be oblivious to the situation. Pigsy nodded and began to rant again. He seemed a bit worried though, since MK was never THIS late. Even when he knocked on his door, MK never answered.

'Guess it's time, yet again, to use magical future sight to my advantage'

"Oh, that sounds worrying. If you tell me the address of his last delivery yesterday I can go and check if they saw him."

Pigsy gave you a grateful nod before handing a slip of paper over to you. The sharp paper cut your hand enough to draw a bit of blood. You hissed and looked at the paper. ' Who knew Yin and Jin lived that close? It's about walking distance.'

"Alright, I'll check for him. And Pigsy? Don't worry too much about him, he's a strong kid."

Pigsy began to get back to work, worrying a bit less than he was earlier. He trusted you a lot more than he thought he did. And you weren't about to go and break that trust. You grabbed a bandage from your bag to put on your bleeding papercut.

"Here's the place. What's with all these demons having shitty houses?", You mumble and put your ear to the door. "NO! HE'S IN LOVE WITH HER." "NO! THEY'RE FRIENDS. HE LOVES THE RED BOY!" "MONKEY KING ISN'T THAT COOL, GIMME THAT!" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? HE'S MONKEY KING, OF COURSE HE'S COOL."

'Those lovable idiots.'


"Waitttt Yin? Did you order more takeout?"

"No? Maybe its the milk man!"



Jin ran over to the door and opened it a tiny bit to see who was on the other side. You gave him a smile and began to do the thing you know how to do best... Bullshit your way into getting what you want.

"Hello? Is this Yin and JIn? The gold and silver demons? I'm your biggest fan and I'd like to give you something. I saw you two on the news a while back."

The two demons were immediately distracted from the calabash, perfect. 'I feel a bit guilty making them think I'm giving them a present.'

"Come inside, biggest fan! Did you know we once defeated the Monkey King!", Jin said pridefully. Yin was a bit slow on getting what his fellow demon was doing. "Wait... did we? I-" Jin elbowed him in the stomach.

"All you guys need to do is close your eyes for ten seconds so I can pull out the present. It's pretty big.", You turned both of them in the direction away from the calabash.

"1, 2, 3-"

You sneak over to the calabash and pick it up, it's surprisingly heavy. Yin and Jin are blissfully unaware. Small shouts from MK can be heard from the little container.

"4, 5, 6-"

You lift the calabash up before slamming it on the ground.


"7- is that part of the present, Biggest Fan?", Yin asked.

"I'M FREE- (Y/N)? Wait where am I?", MK was disorientated and wobbly. The two demons gasp and turn around. "You lied! There was no present, you traitor!!!!", they both shouted at the same time, dramatically crying.

"Okay, sorry guys! I do think you're pretty cool though. Just try not to kidnap my friends. Let's go MK."

MK is pulled out of the house as the demons continue wailing. You could have sworn they still perked up a bit when you said you thought they were cool. 'All the demons in this universe are so attention deprived, I swear.'

"What was that? Were those guys demons?", MK asked. Sleep deprivation was still apparent in his eyebags. "Yeah, demons. They kidnapped you yadda yadda demon shit. I knew where you were from the delivery list. The address was listed as the last one you had to visit for the day."

He nodded and yawned, slowing down a bit. "Pigsy was really worried about you, MK. I don't think he'll be upset if you explain what happened."


"You think they really meant that? That we're cool?", The blue demon asked his companion. Jin was also pretty confused about it. Humans were never really open to talking to them, and they would NEVER look up to the demons. Something was off and Jin could smell it, literally.

Your hand was bandaged but the smell of blood from your papercut was apparent in the air. It wasn't like normal human blood, which was metallic and savory smelling. Your blood smelt oddly floral. He was lost in thought about you, wondering if you were a threat.

With someone as odd as you, there was no chance you were going to miss out on the race tomorrow. He'd just have to get his answer then. Jin cared for Yin as a brother. Scoping out the enemies was just another thing he'd have to do to keep his brother safe from harm.

Yin on the other hand, was oblivious to his brother's deep state of thought. He was more distracted by the happy feeling he got when you complimented him. Never in his life did he think he'd want to have friends. This is definitely an odd circumstance the brothers have fallen into.

A shadow which did not belong to the two brothers lingered on the wall, peering over them. It disappeared soon after they began conversing about a different topic. 

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