Painter MK needs to chill

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For the first time in your new life here in Megapolis, you woke up early. Sandy told you to meet him at the noodle shop at 8:00 AM in the morning so the two of you could paint his boat together. If any other person had requested you to wake up early, you would have laughed in their face. Sandy is a special exception though.

He forgot to mention that MK would be tagging along. Well... a clone of MK. THE painter clone you always saw fanart of.

You had completely forgotten about this major plot point in season one where all of MK's clones begin going haywire. Apparently it's already been a few days of MK's clones helping everyone out so it should be soon where they all have a freak out and turn evil.

It's too late for you to opt out of this hangout since you really didn't want to drop out on Sandy. He was way nicer than the show portrayed him, which was already super nice. Sandy was the nicest person you've ever met.

Everything he did was done with kindness in mind and you definitely didn't want to disappoint him. It would be like leaving a puppy to starve, unforgivable. (Especially because he was one of your comfort characters in the show and you REALLY wanted to try out some of his tea to see if it was as good as it seemed.)

With all of this in mind, you pack up a small bag of some supplies you want to bring to Sandy's ship. The bag was filled with some snacks, water, and a small pocket knife in case the MK clone went berserk today. Nothing was going to ruin today... Except for the possibility of the painter clone becoming crazy.



"Alright new friend! I decided today I wanted to try out painting my boat something new, what's your favorite color?", Sandy asked as he led you to the docks where he kept his boat.

"Oh! My favorite color is ___", You respond to him. He puts his hand to his beard in contemplation.

"I don't think I've ever painted my boat that color before! This'll be great. It's always nice to have some input from a friend.", Sandy smiles down at you before the two of you stop in front of the docks. He goes over to some crates and picks out a few paint buckets of your favorite color,

He had an entire stock of paint buckets, it seems he paints his boat very often. There was even a bucket of paint brushes with different levels of destruction.

'The boat's a lot bigger than I thought it would be. Sandy's so nice I swear, if he told me to throw myself into a pond of piranhas I would do it without hesitation.'

The clone of MK, which had been following along without a word, climbed onto the boat with some paint buckets in hand. He set up a mat on the floor with some paint brushes and opened the buckets.

You walked over to the clone to see if anything weird was happening, there seemed to definitely be something wrong with him. The clone was mumbling something under his breath while dipping the paintbrush in paint aggressively. The only audible bits you could hear were "it needs to be better.... It NEEDS to be better."

'Oh lord, of course fate deals me these cards. I have to deal with crazy painter MK when he goes insane. What a joy.'

"Hey Sandy? I don't think the MK clone is doing too well.", You point towards MK. Sandy shrugs and says," I think he's doing just fine! He's just very enthusiastic about art. I, too, get very passionate when it comes to a hobby I enjoy." This man was the living version of a smile. A rainbow. A kitten which shits glitter.

' How do I warn Sandy without straight out saying "Hey he's gonna go apeshit on us big man :) " ??!?! '

"I don't think that's the case. Hey MK! Maybe you should take a brea-"

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