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Adrenaline raced through your legs as you ran from the seeking blue tendrils shooting towards you. You were stuck in a nightmare. It's been hours of running through a dying forest, avoiding sudden death.

Despite it being a dream, you were able to feel every inch of your body screaming in exhaustion. A root snagged your foot and pulled you to the ground. The glowing tendrils grabbed a hold of you and dragged you through the mud.

'I can't run anymore, this is just a dream. Wake up. WAKE UP (Y/N)'

But you couldn't,

Something was stopping you.

Your eyes adjusted to a bright blue light in front of you. Glowing eyes looked down on you, covered in mud and afraid. In front of you stood a very elegant Lady Bone Demon, dressed in ancient garbs.

She stood around 6 feet tall, not being chained to a mortal's vessel in your dreams. Her foot planted itself on your chest to prevent you from breathing in heavily.

LBD began speaking, pressing her foot a bit harder every word," You. Have. Been. The. Most. MASSIVE. Thorn. In. My. SIDE."

You could have sworn you heard something crack in your chest as she continued. "I think I have a very good idea of what will happen to you when I finally get my revenge on this world. A new beginning for human kind and YOU will be the example of what happens if anyone defies me."

'Can't breathe, can't think, please'

As if she could read your thoughts, she smirked and lifted her foot.

You gasped for air violently right before she planted her foot back on your chest.

"Take this as a warning Prophet~ If you interfere anymore I will personally see to it that all of your blood is drained and your body is left as a sad mess of bones and muscle."

And the dream ended.

You woke up with a violent gasp, holding onto the air for dear life. Something fell over in the other room. The door to your bedroom bursts open with a very worried Wukong.

"You alright?"

"Nightmare... really bad nightmare.", You mutter out and look over at Wukong.

He was holding a spatula in his hand, dripping batter. "Well, pancakes are ready, I added a secret ingredient. Don't look at me like that, there's nothing suspicious in them I swear. I thought I needed to make an appreciation gift for you helping me with 'totally not food poisoning'."

You were left with your thoughts for a few more minutes as you could hear Wukong preparing some plates in the kitchen. He brought over a plate with pancakes on it. You could have sworn you saw a bit of golden hair in there.

A slight blush tinted Wukong's cheeks as he pushed the plate towards you.

"Here you are, my famous pancakes. Anyways gotta go train MK. BYE!"

He sped out of your house mumbling something to himself.

At least you have pancakes now, today was a designated chill day. You needed a break after that traumatizing nightmare.


Mei called you over to the noodle shop to hang out for a while. She mentioned something about MK being too busy training, which was a normal occurrence recently. You were still finding hair in your mouth after eating those pancakes Wukong made for you.

"I think he's getting too stressed out again. I feel like he doesn't really talk to me about any of this stuff anymore.", Mei complained and shoved some noodles into her mouth.

Letters | Gender Nuetral Reader x Lego Monkie Kid (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now