Letter one, Fire

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It's been around a full month since the swap. Life was becoming normal yet again as you grew a new routine of visiting your friends. MK and Mei mentioned today that they were going to have a sleepover so it was the episode before Pigsy and Tang get captured by spider queen. This gave you a bit more time to plan for her letter.

Whenever you had spare time and weren't visiting Pigsy's Noodles, you were planning out how to deliver the letters. Plans were made for almost every little thing that could go wrong. Today was the day you would deliver Red Son's letter and nothing would get in your way!

Most likely.


Ever since your little meeting with Wukong, he had been investigating the few artifacts he stole from your house. Something intriguing he noticed was that there were plenty more items with the Fuzhu deer. There were a few figures which portrayed a snake-like creature with four wings and six legs.

He remembered seeing it thousands of years ago. The Fei Yi, bringer of drought. Fuzhu and Fei Yi seemed to be complete opposites yet they were both bad omens for natural disaster. Underneath the snake's figure was nothing but a signature reading "-F".

When Wukong looked at the fading scar on your hand, there was a lingering scent of blood. The blood was definitely not mortal blood. It had extremely high concentrations of magic, the only other time he'd encountered something like this was with Lady Bone Demon.

If there were a mortal born with a god's blood, the entire celestial realm would have known about it by now. Even if Wukong was banned from the realm, gossip flows from god to god at an incredible speed. You must have obtained this blood after you were born.

The Monkey King wasn't a good researcher so he decided for now, he would leave you be and just watch if anything concerning happened. Maybe he mixed up your blood with his somehow? Nothing was making sense.

Out of the corner of his eye, the deer and snake figures seemed to hold a smile.


'This should be the place.'

A giant construction sight loomed over you with color coded crates stacked on top of eachother. You looked for that one giant hole where MK and Mei jumped down on the season 1 finale. The pit was way bigger than the show portrayed it.

There were a few carved out rows on the sides of the hole, used to store some older models of the bull clones. 'Those things are way taller than a normal person. Goddamn lego proportions made me underestimate everything.'

At the bottom of the hole was a lone bull clone walking around and keeping guard. A blue light was scanning the area to look for any intruders.

'Here goes nothing'

You released the letter, letting it flutter its way down to the bull clone. Curiosity got the best of you so you decided to peek and see if the clone took notice. Thankfully, the clone rushed over to the paper and picked it up. There was a small scanning noise before it walked off through a tunnel.

You began speed walking away from the demon bull family's territory. Just the thought of encountering a giant bull more than three times your size sent shivers down your spine. Out of all of the construction sights you've seen, this one was definitely (and weirdly) the prettiest. It was organized clutter.


A metallic noise screeches nearby. You immediately turn to look at where the noise came from. It was a tinier version of the bull clones you saw in the pit. One of its red eyes was shattered and it was missing a leg. Oil pooled up around it and the wires on its missing leg were fizzling with electricity.

Letters | Gender Nuetral Reader x Lego Monkie Kid (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now