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There was no way to count the amount of time you were stuck in your own mind. The water was gradually rising above your knees now.

You had remained in silence until you heard a small sound similar to a waterfall.

When you ran over to the noise, you were greeted with a deer similar to the one you had seen in your dreams. Beautiful white horns branched from its head.

When you walked a bit closer to the creature, its eyes opened up to meet yours.

"Child." The statement was simple and to the point. You could hear a slight tinge of disappointment and worry.

"How much do you need me to explain?" Your own voice was feeble. You hadn't used it for a while, and you were nervous in the presence of this mythical being.

"I know enough. I was hoping to never have to help you with anything like this but alas, life has its unexpected moment."

The deer rose to its feet, leering over you at an estimated 10 feet. Long fur was dripping with water.

An echo was heard throughout the space, you couldn't understand anything being said. It sounded like Wukong was arguing with someone.

"We must hurry, child. The longer you have no control of your body, the harder it will be to gain back control. When this water finally consumes you, nothing will be left except the demon controlling you."

"What can I even do? I'm useless like this. I'm just a stupid mortal stuck in a world where I don't belong..." Feelings were arising in you which you had been pushing down.

"When the gods chose to switch you with a citizen of this universe, they did not leave you defenseless. The switch can be a very brutal experience. We ensured you were able to endure the changing of your own universe."

"What does that mean?" The water began rising at a faster rate, passing your hips.

"Only gods can pass through universes unaffected, they instilled some of their own blood into you. This prevents you from turning into a clump of rearranged cells and muscle."

"Does that mean I'm A GOD???1??!!?!"



"You were gifted some of their blood, just a few drops were enough to protect you. This resulted in giving you the power to generate magic without actually being able to use it. Your little demon friend explained it perfectly for your little mortal brain. A "Magic battery" If you will."

"How does this help me?"

"To be able to kick out the demon inhabiting your body, you must channel the power in your blood. This will damage your physical body in the process, essentially overheating it. The Lady Bone Demon relies on bodies with abnormally low body heat. She uses magic to lower their body temperatures. If you cancel out her magic and overheat your body, she will be forced out."

"So many words, too little time."

The water began rushing upwards, it reached all the way to your elbows now. The mythical creature in front of you was watching you expectantly.

You tried your best to close your eyes and concentrate on the supposed magic in your blood. It was of no use; the water was too distracting.

It reached up to your shoulders now.

"Hop onto my shoulders, it should postpone the time it takes for you to succumb to the water."

The deer lowered its head so you could climb up. Its fur was soft and reminded you of a really fluffy dog.

"Focus on your intentions, emotions, and your goals."

'My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I live in Megapolis. I want to be able to save my friends. I feel regret for not protecting them enough.'

A slight tingle is able to be felt in your left arm.

'I need to survive this so I can get stronger and protect my friends better. I need to defeat Lady Bone Demon. I NEED to be there for everyone and not be a disappointment.'

The feeling of pins and needles spread outwards from your arm, numbing the left half of your body. You gripped onto the deer with your right arm, hoping to not fall off into the water. The water reached even higher.

'My duty is to help. My GOAL is to help.'

Those words set everything into motion. The numbness spread and the last thing you could see was water rising past your head.

But for the first time in what felt like days,

You felt warm.


There was nothing simple about you. Macaque spent hours every day thinking about why you made him feel so entranced.

He assumed he just wanted a close connection to Wukong so he would be able to seek out his own revenge. It changed when he saw you hang out with the Great Sage.

He felt jealous.

Nobody was friendly with him anymore, nobody mortal at least. He was a loner yet he seeked out attention? Pathetic.

He began to watch you in the shadows under the excuse of looking for Wukong. Knowing you were safe brought him relief for some strange reason.

So, when you left your house running after someone possessed, he was confused and worried.

Macaque was even more worried when you left the layer of the Demon Bull King unconscious and being held by Wukong.


The jealousy sparked up again. He wanted to be the one carrying you to safety. The one you looked up to and thanked.

Instead, Wukong got everything he wanted yet again.

Macaque was very vigilant when it came to auras and signs of possession in people. He could easily sense something off with you from his distance.

He stalked Wukong from a distance. The Monkey King was so distracted by you and Mei being unconscious that he never thought to look around.

MK and Wukong entered Pigsy's, and began discussing who would look after you and Mei when you were recovering from whatever just happened. They were still oblivious to your possession.

Wukong placed you gently onto one of the cushioned benches in the restaurant. You were still out like a light; your face was scrunched up as if you were in pain.

Wukong went back to conversing with Pigsy and MK.

A shadow grew behind you.

Letters | Gender Nuetral Reader x Lego Monkie Kid (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now