Half the Truth

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So, turns out the mayor wasn't bluffing when he said he'd cut out your tongue. The situation you were currently in was nothing short but unconventional. A bone-magic-y blade was summoned out of thin air by the man as he continued intense eye contact.

The mayor was definitely enjoying the sight of you backed into a corner. There wasn't anywhere you could run since he was blocking your only exit. Your hands held the skeleton key with a titanium grasp as he approached slowly.

If you let go of this key and it made its way to LBD's prison, you were done for. Not only were you dead, but a lot of civilians would be as well. The phone you used to contact Wukong was laying on the ground, discarded and cracked from the fall.

"I'm giving you one more chance, hand over the key and I'll spare you from what I'm about to do." The mayor growled and held up his weapon.


He brought down the blade on your phone, shattering the screen. It was definitely never going to be in working condition ever again. The blade glinted in the shadows.



'Wukong please get the message that I'm in deep shit. I'm putting my life on the line for the world here,'

The mayor jumped forward with his blade raised, a crazy grin on his face. You flinched and closed your eyes to embrace for the impact.


Mayor was pushed into a nearby wall by a lightning-fast attack, creating a crater in a nearby building. Wukong stood in front of you with a proud grin on his face, his tail swooshed behind him. "Your savior is here my dear! Also, who the hell was that creepy guy?"

You released a sigh of relief you didn't know you were holding, before pulling the Monkey King into a tight hug. He was definitely surprised by the unexpected action since his tail stiffened up a bit. Eventually, he reciprocated the hug.

A low growl was heard from the crater the mayor was still in. "Can you get us out of here first? I can tell you all about what happened afterwards.", You mutter out and look worriedly at the even more pissed mayor.

"Can do! Hold on though, I've been told cloud travel is a bit disorientating to most humans. Barfing may be a side effect."

Monkey King summoned a cloud and hopped on, holding out his hand to pull you up. The mayor was now standing upright again. "You cannot change fate (Y/N), it will always find a way to happen. The key was only plan A, there is always a backup. Running will solve nothing dear."

'Oh, why does he have to tell me this NOW?!'

"That's nice to know Mr. Totally Not the Mayor! I'm just going to respond with what I told you earlier. Nobody tells me what to do, also suck a dick. Monkey King, Let's go!"

The fly towards your house wasn't anything too interesting. It mostly consisted of you holding onto an immortal monkey with a tightening grip. He found it amusing whenever you freaked out about how high the both of you were.

Once you got to your house, you opened the door to let Wukong in. It was locked this time, making you a bit confused since the last time you left your house was when you forgot to lock it.

'Maybe my door automatically locks, and I never knew about it.'

"So, what's so important about this key?", Monkey King asks you and hold it up to the light to analyze.

'He's a trustworthy guy. Monkey King wants the best for MK and maybe he'll help me with stopping Lady Bone Demon. I can just skirt around the being from another world detail.'

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