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MK used his staff to pull the both of you into the air, towards DBK's lair. He was still in his pajamas.

"We can't let her get to DBK's place, it's bad news. I can't tell you all of it right now, but Mei isn't fully herself right now MK."

Adrenaline coursed through your veins as you landed on the ground, the impact hurt your knees, but you kept running forwards.

"I trust you (Y/N), but I can't hurt Mei.", MK's voice was wavering, he was obviously worried.

"I'm not asking you to hurt her, I'm asking you to stop her. The literal fate of the world is at stake, no pressure."

... MK was obviously feeling extreme pressure now, thanks (Y/N)

The opening to the lair was now in sight, glowing with a blue hue.

Mei was already halfway down, hopping across the rocks along the sides of the cavern.

"MK, staff us down there." your voice was shaky.

MK understood and pulled you alongside him down the hole. Wind whipped past your face, and you couldn't feel your skin from the speed.

Mei was still clambering down the walls as you reached the floor. "MK, is there any monkey magic you can use to apprehend her? Maybe a clone or two. We need to be able to snap her out of this trance."

"I can try."

He pulled out some hair and clones appeared in front of you. They didn't need to hear any commands because they were already holding Mei down, she barely struggled.

Something was off, you couldn't spot any of the artifacts she stole. Her blank eyes stared up at you, a smirk appeared.

LBD was speaking through her mouth," I won't be able to control her long, she's strong. But I'm glad she served her purpose as a distraction. You should have been more wary of "the mayor", (Y/N). He meant it when he talked about plan B."

'The artifacts aren't here... she mentioned a distraction. She must have controlled someone else to release her. This is really bad.'

"MK! We need to get to the inside of the base and find her prison!", You shouted at him. Mei collapsed onto the ground.

"Who'll take care of Mei? I don't trust my clones after last time.", He was stressed.

"Never mind, I can go."

You rushed through a tunnel without looking back. MK was too worried about Mei to focus on the current mission.

Of course, Wukong still hadn't responded, he chooses the worst times possible to be out of the picture.

Miraculously, you found your way quite easily throughout the base. A large glowing box was in the middle of a giant cave. Demon Bull King was alone and staring at it.

"Step away! We have a major problem.", You shouted towards him.

He turned around enraged, "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?"

"Someone is trying to release the prison and if the person in there gets out, we're all dead. Trust me and please keep everyone away."

He growled and looked back towards the box. You were still trembling, and the giant ass bull didn't help calm you.

"I think you're a fool, mortal. Obviously, you're trying to stop me from gaining power!", He shouted out and stamped his foot.

It was difficult to get him to stop thinking greedily, and you didn't have enough time to give him a heroic speech.

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