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Mei had been complaining more often about migraines and nausea. At first, you assumed this was from the stress of dealing with her friend becoming an apprentice to some random god, also fighting demons and villains.

She took a break after the Macaque shadow demon fight, but she hasn't been getting any better. If anything, she was getting worse with the nausea.

"Hey (Y/N)? Could I ask you a favor?", Mei mumbled as she pressed her head into a cushion in Pigsy's.

"Oh yeah sure, anything you need Mei Mei.", You patted her back and rubbed in a circular motion to try and comfort her.

"Could we have a sleepover at your house? Just the two of us?"

"No MK? I guess we can. When do you want to have the sleepover?"

"Today, if that's alright."

'Today? If it makes her feel any better than I guess, I should agree. We still haven't found out the reason for this sudden wave of headaches she's been receiving.'

"I'm good with that Mei, we can go straight to my house after Pigsy's closes for the night. I still need to help in the kitchen with some organizing.", You watched as she nodded and pulled you into a hug.

She felt a bit colder than normal.

After a minute or so of hugging, she lets go and you walk over to the kitchen to help Pigsy with the kitchen. Customers were coming in as normal, but Tang had to do something today, so the store was a bit short on help.

Pigsy requested for some ingredients, and you supplied them, nothing special. The day went by fast, and you brought over some soup for Mei, alongside a glass of water. She was passed out on the cushion.

Mei drank up the soup reluctantly and chugged the water.

"Are you done working?", She asked you groggily.

Nodding, you grab her hand and lead her out of the shop in the direction of your house. The streets were starting to get less crowded as the time got later. As soon as you got home, you went straight to the medicine cabinet to get her some painkillers.

Mei downed the pill with a glass of water you supplied her.

"Alright Mei, what would you like to do for the sleepover?", You ask her and pull out some blankets from the closet.

"Movie? I just want something distracting really."

"I'm good with that. Are you good with watching one of my favorites?" You ask and she nods.

The TV turns on and you put on your favorite movie. Mei snuggles up beside you in a fluffy blanket while she shovels some snacks into her mouth. About halfway through the movie she gets up and asks, "Where's the restroom?"

"Oh, it's just down the hall, I can show you where, if you want.", you pause the movie and start to sit up, she stops you.

"No no, I'm good. I can find it myself.", she reassures you and turns the movie back on. Her mannerisms seemed a bit odd.

Mei walked across the hall and left you to get distracted by the movie again. A clatter pulls your attention away from the TV, the noise coming from your bedroom.

"Mei?", You pause the movie again and walk over to your room to look for her.

She is standing in the middle of the room with some of the deer artifacts in her arms. When she looks up from the floor her eyes are completely blank, just like the mayor's.

Mei grabs the artifact that fell to the floor before running past you. Since you were a bit shocked, you couldn't even react to her running towards the front door.

As you chased after her, she reached the door and ran out.

'Did LBD really possess her? Was that what all of that nausea stuff was about? Mayor did say there was a plan B...'

Mei was slowly getting farther away from you. She was normally more athletic than you, so it wasn't much of a surprise.

And then she was out of sight.

The direction you both were running to was towards the Demon Bull family. This was also where LBD's prison was found. With both of these facts together, nothing good could come out of this.

You decided to text MK and Wukong about what was happening.

It didn't take long for MK to arrive at the scene, but Wukong never read your message. 

Letters | Gender Nuetral Reader x Lego Monkie Kid (hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now