Hospital Break

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(A/N: Sorry for not updating in a few months! It's been a crazy ride for me.)

"Who are you?"

What? How were you meant to answer that question?

"... I'm (Y/N)? I don't really know what type of answer you're wanting."

Robin chuckled and pulled up the papers," You're a mortal with crazy unnatural magic levels who just so happens to be hanging out with one of the most powerful demons in the world? Look me in the eyes and tell me the truth."

"Th-that is the truth?"

They sighed and put the papers down on the table quietly, "Welp, not sure what I was expecting. I believe that you're just really oblivious, but you might just be a really good liar. I don't have the time nor the capabilities to interrogate you over this right now."

A buzzing noise came from a walkie talkie positioned on their belt-loop. It rang out with various people all communicating to each other, seemingly throughout the hospital. Robin took off the device and answered in a short sentence of, "Affirmative."

A confused expression crossed your face as you watched as they walked out of the room. Before the door shut, they said, "If you know a particular fire-related demon prince, please tell him to stop raiding our storage shelters for machinery."

"Fire-related demon prince" could only mean one thing. Redson was on a rampage again.

After each event gets tied up into a pretty little bow, another one seems to unwrap itself and say, "surprise bitch, I'm not done yet." As if they were all taunting you.

Both of the demon brothers walked into the room shortly after Robin left, Jīn walked in holding way too many fast-food bags in his arms. All of the bags obstructed his face and ended up blocking his vision, which in turn caused him to almost trip.

"Hello ultra powerful (Y/N)! We have gained the sustenance needed for your survival, each gathered from the most pristine places in the city!", The orange demon shouted loudly and held up a bag as if it were a trophy.

The other demon continued," We were not sure what human food you liked so we just bought as much as we could-"

You interrupted them," Where did you get all of this money?"


One of them coughed and the other chuckled with his hand scratching awkwardly at his neck. "So, you see, that large demon fellow actually gave us some money to use for you." The next part of the sentence was said in a high, squeaky voice," And um... ᵂᵉ ᵐᵃʸ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ˢᵗᵒˡᵉⁿ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᶠᵒᵒᵈ ᶠʳᵒᵐ ⁿᵉᵃʳᵇʸ ᵈᵉˡⁱᵛᵉʳʸ ᵈʳⁱᵛᵉʳˢ."

You muttered out with a loud groan, "I swear to god if any of you guys robbed MK while he was delivering noodles."

'This is a perfect opportunity to leave this place...'

"Hey uh... I can't eat with you guys here! It's super disrespectful for demons to watch a human eat! And also, uh.... Inappropriate? Could you guys leave for a minute?"

The two demons slowly shuffled out of the room with guilty faces while you sorted through the fast-food bags. One of them belonged to Pigsy's noodles so you assumed they actually robbed MK.

You reached for your phone on the countertop next to your medical bed, but instead your hands were met with empty space. The nurse must have taken your phone for some reason.

You made sure to double check all of your pockets and the floor around your bed, but a phone was nowhere in sight. It couldn't be too difficult to walk, right? You would try after getting a bite to eat.

An unceremonious growl erupted from your stomach, causing you to grab one of the bundles of food and open it up. Greasy street food was laying inside, but you weren't in a place to deny food right now.

It was some sort of spicy taco with filling spilling out of the sides. The food was gone in less than a second as you devoured it greedily, proceeding to lick your fingers.

You continued to eat a bit more from various bags before you decided to get out of bed.

The floor was cold and lined with tiles, making it extremely uncomfortable to walk on. Being barefoot was difficult because you were used to being swaddled up in a warm blanket. Walking was a bit difficult because your head automatically became light-headed, but you got used to it with every step.

Yin and Jin seemed to have fully left you, being nowhere in sight as you left your room.

Continuing throughout the halls, you reached the front desk where a very bored looking nurse sat. He had tiny green horns protruding through his head, messily covered by hair.

'Nice to know demons work here too.'

He sat up straight as you walked by, horns changing color to red.

'T hats cool as hell wtf.'

Your voice was scratchy as you asked," Do you know where my clothes are? I'm kind of sick of this gown."

The demon nodded and you caught a glimpse of his badge with the name "Emmet". He went through an office door behind him before coming out with some ripped up clothing. You muttered out a "thanks" before heading to the restroom to change.

It was a bit odd that Emmet didn't ask if you were allowed to leave the hospital, but you weren't complaining in the slightest. The rips on your clothing weren't too bad, if anything, they made you look a bit badass.

As you exited the restroom, scrambling could be heard from across the halls. You quickly ducked behind a couple of chairs in the waiting room, waiting for whoever was running to burst through the doors. And as you expected...


Yin and Jīn ran out in a panic, followed by a very loud and recognizable voice.


Macaque was fuming as he chased after the demon brothers, shadows burst out from below him.

"We- They told us that watching a human eat was extremely private! So, we decided to leave them alone! We didn't expect for them to immediately leave-" Jīn fumbled to explain.

Yin butted in, "Plus! We thought they could fend for themself! I didn't know that we were meant to keep them in our sights 24/7!"

You crawled over to the exit of the hospital, watching the three demons bicker among themselves with no awareness of your existence.

Macaque sighed," I was just informed that they are an immense threat to demon-kind if in the wrong hands, you need to spread out and search for them." He mumbled quietly to himself," and if LBD gets them, it's game over for the world."

His eyes slowly analyzed the room in suspicion.

'I need to leave now before he spots m-'

The door behind you jingled as you slowly stepped out, causing all three demons to look straight in your direction.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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